Wednesday 24 August 2016


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72."Death" of the Sthula

"Death" of the Sthula

Dear all, the accomplished aghori who accepts such a duty in any of the sukshma loka returns for one last time to this earth and becomes visual in the physical realms. Now the time has come for the final ascent.

The last ritual in the mortal realm is to appoint one person to do the needful disposal of the sthula sharira. The aghori in the adept stage itself develop the capacity of identifying the one who is going to cremate him/her. On the auspicious night after bidding the farewell, the accomplished aghori asks his chosen one to join him/her at midnight. If the chosen one is a disciple , this is last 3 hours for the master to tell him any further instructions. The disciple need to be prepared to travel his/her progress without the bodily confined presence of the master. :))

At the beginning of the Brahma time in the morning, the aghori will enter into the final meditation and with the help of the vayu pervading in the body, he/she opens the brahmarandra, releases oneself and casts this sthula forever.

The disciple or the chosen one can set this body to fire preferably from a funeral pyre. The ashes are collected carefully and disposed in the river or ocean. No after death rituals is needed for this cremation as there is no bondage of the accomplished one with this realm through the karana sharira. It's now accomplished one's choice to return to earth in whichever form he/she likes as any other ethereal being or luminous ones.


73.Final Post

Final Post

Dear all, the duties of an astral ascended being is beyond to be shared for the reader of this thread. But I would like to share some details; more general regarding sukshma lokas.

The ascended being will undertake his/her new duty in any of the sukshma loka as per the karana sharira's debt and will undergo cycles of progress across various sukshma lokas. After these cycles, one lose the nominal karana sharira also and the sukshma will be more finite beyond projections to nodal existence. This infinitely capable minutely finite state merges with absolute consciousness; the static aspect of the cosmic force and will dissolve its identity completely and identify with everything from finite and infinite; once and and for all. Till the cosmic force starts another interactive interplay of its dynamic and static equilibrium with absolute consciousness, its perfect liberation . :))

The interesting aspect of sukshma lokas is whenever one ascended wants to come and stay in lower realms like earth or this set of dimensions, its possible at one's own risk. Either one can manifest or one can take birth by lowering to the level for further divine play. But if further karmas incident on him/her than intended he/she will have to again follow the process of cleansing and other related austerities for making the karana nominal. :))

I hereby conclude my purpose of life on Aghora. None of these words are mine, instead written through me as a medium. As a being, Now I surrender myself to the divine will and the state of consciousness bestow on me by cosmic force.

My final prayer for all you dear ones is :

"May the truth of words here dawn in you the radiance of thousand suns illuminating your consciousness, May you all be beings of higher realms in time with the force of the divine mother, May you all taste the elixir of eternal life, May you all have the lasting peace and freedom from cycle of lives and births here in earth and in astral realms"


71.The Astral worlds

The Astral worlds

Dear all, lets now understand the worlds of sukshma. The world of sukshma is in various levels. A nominal karana sharira for our world,it does not mean that the sukshma loka has no debts attached to the Aghori, the enlightened one.

Every man or woman who dies ordinarily has a chance to go to some sukshma loka to enjoy the brief period of good karmas before returning to earth once again. But the freed karana sharira in the earthly realms allows the aghori to stay in the sukshma lokas whichever one he owes debt for the casual body or karana sharira in that levels.

The description of sukshma lokas are beyond words to explain. The accomplished one can be of any stature, creates and destroys any animate and inanimate objects at will. The beings on this sukshma world are connected by the very intent to communicate. The levels of understanding is guided by perception. The world of beings are of light - luminous ones, demi gods, ethereal beings etc many classes and classifications belong here.

The interactions in this world should be only understood either through death with good karmas and or becoming an accomplished one in which ever path one embark upon. I am not at liberty to explicitly mention minute details. :))

As an accomplished one, if one decides to accept the duties of any world of sukshma in any of these trips, the aghori visits once again to this world. This time he/she visits back for the last few days.


69.Revisiting the Cremation ground

Revisiting the Cremation ground
Dear all, the individualistic perspective of enlightened level is clearly expressed, now it’s the time for the enlightened to visit the cremation ground. This time he/she never feels at all alone in cremation ground. With the virtue of the clarified bodies, he/she visualizes the various beings present in the cremation ground with the deeper perception.

The accomplished now do a shava sadhana on the corpse which is of the opposite gender. The procedures are of the same in this case as before. This time the corpse chosen should be fresh. In other words it should be not been in the state of death for long. In short, the vyana, the vayu should not be allowed to leave the body. :)

The shava sadhana in this level will bring the connection of the vyana of the aghori to the vyana of the subject. This is the first of the time a heterogeneous projection is established with the will full effort of the accomplished one. The vyana of the opposite gender mingles with the vyana of the accomplished one and the intent of the very creation of the being is known now to the aghori.

When traverse through the vyana, the aghori accomplishes connection with the other vayus and agni's of the being in its previous states of lower forms and also this heterogeneous interaction kindles the understanding of the connection with vyanas and agni's of the animate and inanimate beings around as a result product of the sadhana.

Since human is the known stronger projection to this world , all the elementary levels beneath it is visualized and this whole world projections are manifested in front of the aghori as the collective will of many interlacing projections. But with the power to control the basic tatwas of one higher order being, the aghori has accomplished his/her ability to control anything that pertains to this world.

Now the jagat is midhya to him/her. Just a manifestation which he/she can produce with the very intent involving respective souls which fit the realms.


70.Across The Worlds

Across The Worlds

Dear all, with the complete understanding of the levels of existence with the deeper level tatwas, the aghori can now enter into the state of deep contemplation. Now with the new found knowledge of the intermingling of projections in this current world , he/she can see what has happened , what is happening and whats in the future as resultant by products of the various projections.

now its time to shrink the sthula to the sukshma. The subtle understanding to tatwas provide him/her with the ability to control them in gross level also. Thus with the intent of the aghori, the five elements drops its projection to the world and the mind becomes detached. This mind which seeds the ego merges to the true identity of the being; the self. The karana sharira is now a spectator. With the closed eyes, the aghori closes his existence to the external world which is the reality to the human beings.

The kundalini which is awakened in him/her will give with choices of world to manifest. Now the aghori can vary the level of consciousness to manifest in any of the lokas or worlds and communicate with all beings pertaining to the world.

It’s all of projecting oneself into the desired world with the attributes that suits the world. This is how the immortals traverse and the luminous ones. The way is always the same. 


68.Cosmos and Beyond

Cosmos and Beyond

Dear all, the projection known in the visible realms alone restricts the interaction of existence. The karana projects in the subtle realms also to fulfill the karmic debts. These soft projects are subtle and hence seldom noticeable by the ordinary mortal being. The preference of a particular place to a immediate bonding with strangers are phenomenon which is created by a soft projection.

Since the individual have no understanding in this karmic interaction, he/she just is a spectator to these events. The cosmos is just the present reality of the beings in the same levels of projections. The rules are common among them. The visualizations are common among them. The imaginary dangers are common among them. Every feeling which is experienced by the manifested gunas through the medium of five basic elements are also common. But based on the nature of gunas, one may feel differently with other based on a moment or projected situation.

In the microcosmic level, the limited self with its level of reach identify with a certain level projection; a certain world. In macrocosmic level, the collective projections webbed by the level of consciousness in the specific dimensions forms the cosmos. The events of the specific world is determined by the grand scale projection of the consciousness in that level. And those limited selves who have a karmic debt interacts in that level of world with their respective projection and experience the results of the same. Thus the dvaita and advaita philosophy is merged at this understanding. Being the one as consciousness and Being dependent on the consciousness to stay with the one. :)

Like this cosmos, there exist many worlds. There exists many levels of manifested consciousness and transcending from one level to another cannot happen with the complete microscopic control of being in sukshma, sthula and karana levels alone. It requires skills beyond that.


66.Panchamamsa Sadhana

Panchamamsa Sadhana

Dear all, after the panchamakara sadhana, the aghori who is in the path of returning to the source; has no karmic debts. The aghori still possess a sthula sharira and for the very reason of it the karana sharira exists. Since the aghori possess all the three bodies, he exists in this jagat which is still a reality in the limited sight.

But with the full awareness of the subtle body, the aghori now knows that this world is a mere projection in the limited existence. Based on the tastes, gunas, doshas and senses, the causative body projects the sthula sharira with the limited master ego, and the sukshma lies dormant in this. The causative body decides the nature, composition and even the soft projections of subtle levels based on the previous births.

The panchamamsa sacrifice is the at most sacrifice for the sthula sharira. With this sacrifice, the sthula sharira becomes limitless and is devoid of much relevance to the one world it exists.

The panchamamsa or the five sacred meats which are spiced stands for the five senses. The classical representation of this as the meat of man, cow, elephant, horse, and dog are symbolic for the senses. For eg: Dog represents hearing. The five ambrosias added in classical context are fat, feces, urine, blood and semen which symbolize the tastes and gunas. The inherent ratio of their existence creates the doshas or nullify them in the sthula sharira. The downward pointing triangle with the human skulls represent the evolution of human through the three gunas. The skull on which the cooking is done is once own head and the fire mentioned is the cosmic agni. The upward pointing triangle is the air mandala which is the vayu which support the ascend of the bhuta agni.

Dear all, let me outline the process of doing this sadhana.

The aghori sits in the accomplished posture and then ascends his samana and sets the base on the crown in the skull, the bhuta agni will ascend from the agni chakra and will sit at the agna chakra where it loses its distinction completely and becomes absolute: the cosmic agni.The bhuta agni cannot accept the offering of senses, gunas or tastes if it retains its identity with the current sthula.Once it becomes the cosmic agni it can accept all the offerings. With the connection with ma, the five elements existing in the body will bring forth the representations for all the ambrosia.The medium is thus created and with the creation of the medium, the physical existence of these fluids is replaced by respective projections. Now the brain, the seat of human sensual and other faculties is sacrificed which results in the replacement of it with limitless consciousness.The ego is still limited faculty of existence without any control and the self connects on the ego for the projections.Thus the true existence of the projection comes into being and the sthula is now transmittable, transformable and transmutable.Thus the Stula sacrifice completes and all the three bodies exists at most pure state.

For the humans who sees an aghori, he/she shows no difference from an ordinary state.But internally,the residual karana sharira which makes the binding possible is existent with the modifications and the kundalini is dormant which can be awakened any moment at will.The five elements are free in all levels but integrated by the modified consciousness and its intent.The identification with the deity is complete now internally.The aghori can retain the external outlook of a deity.But after all he is now everything and yet nothing.Thus his transformation internally and his expressions to external levels are complete.

But this makes him/her only eligible to exist in the current jagat absolutely and returning to source needs further steps.


67.The world of Projections

The world of Projections
Dear all, a perfected being now understands the unreal world in the real sense. The stula and sukshma sacrifices with the level of karana being understood, one visualizes the world in its right way. Now he sees his own sthula as a mere projection of the limited ego with the attributes derived from karana. The ego since it’s the strongest identification of one's limited state will make the projection visible to the ordinary levels and present the stula as a reality. The rasa, guna and the tatwas are all in ratio as per the accounting of karmas with the karana sharira. The sukshma thus loses its true nature and projects the body as its state.

The state of projection is different with luminous ones, ethereal beings, human beings and lower order beings like animals etc. Let the focus on the human beings and lower order beings.

When the projection for the sthula is determined it needs a center for interaction and confinement. The mind is formed as the epicenter of these two facilities. The mind process continuously the interactions of sthula projection and also eclipse the one from the true nature. The developed level of karmas and the ability to think (the one who thinks is called manava) makes the stula representations varied in manifolds. Even from the mere color of skin to the nature of interactions and tastes, the stula projection expresses complex variations in traits. The birth of an individual is there for only happens when a suitable couple projects their immense desire to have an offspring. :)

When we looks at animals, they have a less developed mind and hence they are similar in the projections to a major extend. The lesser the level more similar the projections.

This reality explains every phenomenon and validate whatever science invented and yet to invent in future. Apart from as Sthula projection, the karana also projects in the subtle realms also. These projections and how the cosmos exists will be discussed in next posts 


64.Deity Infusion

Deity Infusion

Dear all, the classification of deities basically as puranic and vedic has no relevance in Aghora. For any aspirant in the discipline of Aghora, whichever deity him/her finds attached with will have to be pursued with utmost devotion and commitment.But as I mentioned in the previous posts, perfections have to be discarded. One should always focus on the goal of returning to the source.

When a deity sadhana is perfected, the next step to be undertaken is to infuse the deity into oneself with internal sadhana. The perfected one with a purified agni and vayu can kindle the bhuta agni and starts offering the mantra on to it. The more one gets closer to the deity the more the subtle understanding increases. The features of deity start manifesting in him/her. The depth of understanding dawns in one self and the perception deepens. The aspirant slowly moves towards resembling the deity in the sthula level of existence.

The consciousness will be altered and the levels of consciousness start ascending beyond the human levels. The daivika nature will bring forth visible changes and one will start losing the individuality slowly. The other elements than vayu and agni are also purified in the due course and the nadi's are all charged with vibrations of the subtle realms.

The sukshma and sthula sharira becomes more predominant and the karana sharira loses slowly its relevance as the karmas are burned off in the process.

Now the aspirant aghori is prepared for the advanced sadhanas - Panchamakara sadhana and Panchamamsa sadhana.


65.Panchamakara Sadhana

Panchamakara Sadhana

Dear all, with the five elements cleansed and charged with the mantra and the resemblance with deity; one develops the divine connection with the cosmic shakti; ma. The deities which are manifestations to the various levels of involvement in this world are directly linked with ma. It is ma alone who creates, keeps and destroys every animate and inanimate objects and conducts all actions through the agents.

The aspirant who is in the process of identifying with his/her deity is now in direct connection with ma; but still he/she has a predominant sthula and a sukshma sharira; although of higher order than normal humans.

With the Panchamakara, He/she offers the ultimate sacrifice to the sukshma sharia. The panchamakara is the sadhana in which the subtle existence of all the five elements is duly acknowledged and freed. In this sadhana, the panchamakara are mamsa, mudra, matsya, madira and maithuna.These are silence, breath (the breath already in nyasa oriented levels), erect posture (possibly siddhasana), the kundalini union and the nectar of life.

The process of panchamakara is as follows: the accomplished one who is resembling the deity, in the cradle of ma divinely connected should do the nyasa of the mantra of deity ( this is already inherent as a part of breath; (for understanding of readers its explicitly stated)), requests ma(pashyanthi or para form of communication) to identify herself with dormant shakti (Kundalini). Ma who is connected with the aspirant channels the cosmic force and thus the kundalini awakens in the aspirant for the first time with at most perfection. The properties of each element are known now in absolute to the aghori and he/she knows how to play with it internally.

When the kundalini reaches bindu visarga, the nectar of immortality is blessed to the aspirant. One can receive the nectar either in bhutaagni or jataragni. In jataragni, it makes the aghori independent of all necessities of sustenance. But in bhuta agni, it transcends the state of sukshma to absolute.

Dear all, the bondage of sukshma on any kind is now non existent. The choice of an Aghori to be an immortal or the one who should return to the source is decided at this level.

The complete knowledge of sukshma which comes with the ascend of the kundalini through the subsequent chakras; provide with the perfect awareness of the microcosmic world. As the macrocosmic world is just a reality to the limited self whichever level the self exists, the complete understanding of microcosmic levels will give the understanding of all worlds that exists in the subtle levels which have equal representations in the macrocosmic space. After the ascent upto bindu visarga, the kundalini starts her downward path, once again visiting all subtle worlds.

On reaching wherever the original kundalini resided, the aghori can now open into the current world with the new identity of limitless subtle knowledge and divine connections with ma. The identification of deity is not a mere resemblance now. It is nearing to perfection.

Thus the panchamakara sadhana is completed.


63.Relevance of Various deities

Relevance of Various deities

Dear all, since the sadhanas and deities are endless; I conclude the sadhanas and perfections section. But the major query of the reader will be the relevance of this sadhanas in aghora. As I mentioned in the beginning, the purpose of all the sadhanas mentioned above is to understand the existence of deities and their nature. But there are other rationales for an aghori to embark upon such sadhanas.
The confined space of being a human, cleansed in the two realms of agni and vayu, still have limitations. To transcend from the finite to infinite requires the advancement in the levels of awareness also. Having a sthula sharira cleansed in the realms of agni and vayu enables the easy accent of the levels of awareness.
As the ultimate goal of the aghori is to return to the source at the earliest, he/she will perform any actions to accelerate the levels of progress.It is common that most of the aspirants would develop a sense of belonging to one deity. This sense of unconditional love and the sadhana resulting in perfection will enable to achieve all purusharthas for an ordinary sadhak. But for an aspiring aghori, what he/she wants to achieve is the complete self identification with his/her deity. When an aspiring aghori self identifies completely with his/her deity, the human limitations on the levels of awareness transcends to limitless higher levels. The faculties of being a human slowly being replaced by eternal faculties inherent in the deity. The levels of existence also will be enhanced beyond the four dimensions.
But attaining a perfection of one sadhana is only a stepping stone. There are various steps following the perfection of the sadhana to the self identification with the deity.
