Wednesday 24 August 2016

68.Cosmos and Beyond

Cosmos and Beyond

Dear all, the projection known in the visible realms alone restricts the interaction of existence. The karana projects in the subtle realms also to fulfill the karmic debts. These soft projects are subtle and hence seldom noticeable by the ordinary mortal being. The preference of a particular place to a immediate bonding with strangers are phenomenon which is created by a soft projection.

Since the individual have no understanding in this karmic interaction, he/she just is a spectator to these events. The cosmos is just the present reality of the beings in the same levels of projections. The rules are common among them. The visualizations are common among them. The imaginary dangers are common among them. Every feeling which is experienced by the manifested gunas through the medium of five basic elements are also common. But based on the nature of gunas, one may feel differently with other based on a moment or projected situation.

In the microcosmic level, the limited self with its level of reach identify with a certain level projection; a certain world. In macrocosmic level, the collective projections webbed by the level of consciousness in the specific dimensions forms the cosmos. The events of the specific world is determined by the grand scale projection of the consciousness in that level. And those limited selves who have a karmic debt interacts in that level of world with their respective projection and experience the results of the same. Thus the dvaita and advaita philosophy is merged at this understanding. Being the one as consciousness and Being dependent on the consciousness to stay with the one. :)

Like this cosmos, there exist many worlds. There exists many levels of manifested consciousness and transcending from one level to another cannot happen with the complete microscopic control of being in sukshma, sthula and karana levels alone. It requires skills beyond that.



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