Wednesday 24 August 2016

66.Panchamamsa Sadhana

Panchamamsa Sadhana

Dear all, after the panchamakara sadhana, the aghori who is in the path of returning to the source; has no karmic debts. The aghori still possess a sthula sharira and for the very reason of it the karana sharira exists. Since the aghori possess all the three bodies, he exists in this jagat which is still a reality in the limited sight.

But with the full awareness of the subtle body, the aghori now knows that this world is a mere projection in the limited existence. Based on the tastes, gunas, doshas and senses, the causative body projects the sthula sharira with the limited master ego, and the sukshma lies dormant in this. The causative body decides the nature, composition and even the soft projections of subtle levels based on the previous births.

The panchamamsa sacrifice is the at most sacrifice for the sthula sharira. With this sacrifice, the sthula sharira becomes limitless and is devoid of much relevance to the one world it exists.

The panchamamsa or the five sacred meats which are spiced stands for the five senses. The classical representation of this as the meat of man, cow, elephant, horse, and dog are symbolic for the senses. For eg: Dog represents hearing. The five ambrosias added in classical context are fat, feces, urine, blood and semen which symbolize the tastes and gunas. The inherent ratio of their existence creates the doshas or nullify them in the sthula sharira. The downward pointing triangle with the human skulls represent the evolution of human through the three gunas. The skull on which the cooking is done is once own head and the fire mentioned is the cosmic agni. The upward pointing triangle is the air mandala which is the vayu which support the ascend of the bhuta agni.

Dear all, let me outline the process of doing this sadhana.

The aghori sits in the accomplished posture and then ascends his samana and sets the base on the crown in the skull, the bhuta agni will ascend from the agni chakra and will sit at the agna chakra where it loses its distinction completely and becomes absolute: the cosmic agni.The bhuta agni cannot accept the offering of senses, gunas or tastes if it retains its identity with the current sthula.Once it becomes the cosmic agni it can accept all the offerings. With the connection with ma, the five elements existing in the body will bring forth the representations for all the ambrosia.The medium is thus created and with the creation of the medium, the physical existence of these fluids is replaced by respective projections. Now the brain, the seat of human sensual and other faculties is sacrificed which results in the replacement of it with limitless consciousness.The ego is still limited faculty of existence without any control and the self connects on the ego for the projections.Thus the true existence of the projection comes into being and the sthula is now transmittable, transformable and transmutable.Thus the Stula sacrifice completes and all the three bodies exists at most pure state.

For the humans who sees an aghori, he/she shows no difference from an ordinary state.But internally,the residual karana sharira which makes the binding possible is existent with the modifications and the kundalini is dormant which can be awakened any moment at will.The five elements are free in all levels but integrated by the modified consciousness and its intent.The identification with the deity is complete now internally.The aghori can retain the external outlook of a deity.But after all he is now everything and yet nothing.Thus his transformation internally and his expressions to external levels are complete.

But this makes him/her only eligible to exist in the current jagat absolutely and returning to source needs further steps.



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