Wednesday 24 August 2016

64.Deity Infusion

Deity Infusion

Dear all, the classification of deities basically as puranic and vedic has no relevance in Aghora. For any aspirant in the discipline of Aghora, whichever deity him/her finds attached with will have to be pursued with utmost devotion and commitment.But as I mentioned in the previous posts, perfections have to be discarded. One should always focus on the goal of returning to the source.

When a deity sadhana is perfected, the next step to be undertaken is to infuse the deity into oneself with internal sadhana. The perfected one with a purified agni and vayu can kindle the bhuta agni and starts offering the mantra on to it. The more one gets closer to the deity the more the subtle understanding increases. The features of deity start manifesting in him/her. The depth of understanding dawns in one self and the perception deepens. The aspirant slowly moves towards resembling the deity in the sthula level of existence.

The consciousness will be altered and the levels of consciousness start ascending beyond the human levels. The daivika nature will bring forth visible changes and one will start losing the individuality slowly. The other elements than vayu and agni are also purified in the due course and the nadi's are all charged with vibrations of the subtle realms.

The sukshma and sthula sharira becomes more predominant and the karana sharira loses slowly its relevance as the karmas are burned off in the process.

Now the aspirant aghori is prepared for the advanced sadhanas - Panchamakara sadhana and Panchamamsa sadhana.



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