Wednesday 24 August 2016

71.The Astral worlds

The Astral worlds

Dear all, lets now understand the worlds of sukshma. The world of sukshma is in various levels. A nominal karana sharira for our world,it does not mean that the sukshma loka has no debts attached to the Aghori, the enlightened one.

Every man or woman who dies ordinarily has a chance to go to some sukshma loka to enjoy the brief period of good karmas before returning to earth once again. But the freed karana sharira in the earthly realms allows the aghori to stay in the sukshma lokas whichever one he owes debt for the casual body or karana sharira in that levels.

The description of sukshma lokas are beyond words to explain. The accomplished one can be of any stature, creates and destroys any animate and inanimate objects at will. The beings on this sukshma world are connected by the very intent to communicate. The levels of understanding is guided by perception. The world of beings are of light - luminous ones, demi gods, ethereal beings etc many classes and classifications belong here.

The interactions in this world should be only understood either through death with good karmas and or becoming an accomplished one in which ever path one embark upon. I am not at liberty to explicitly mention minute details. :))

As an accomplished one, if one decides to accept the duties of any world of sukshma in any of these trips, the aghori visits once again to this world. This time he/she visits back for the last few days.



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