Sunday 21 August 2016

53.Dhoomavathi Sadhana Siddhi

Dhoomavathi Sadhana Siddhi

Dear all, the Dhoomavathi sadhana is treated as a mantrantra for Jyestalakshmi sadhana. Although I had thought of not mentioning the perfection, the necessary signs that happened lately, bestow upon me the duty elaborate the same. :)

let me outline the perfection of this sadhana.

With the proper vritha and dhyana, the aspirant has to be naked and recite the mantra 100,000 times in the cremation ground. Then offer thila for 10,000 times and do the pooja. The perfection is achieved.

In a house where one stays alone, or in a deep forest or in a cave also, the aspirant can perform the japa for 100,000 times. One has to perform this without having food during the period when the sun is present (complete time from dawn to dusk) without any element of fear. (As this sadhana can be challenged by various events which can instill fear and this can be really tough when done on a cremation ground). :) Daily such recitation will vanquish the enemies and also bring the perfection to an aspirant.

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52.Dhoomavathi Sadhana

Dhoomavathi Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline the Dhoomavathi sadhana. But a little deviating from the previous treatment, i will not mention the perfection of this Sadhana.

Astra mantra: sahasrara hum phal

moola: dhoom dhoom dhoomavathi swaha.

1) dhoom dhoom dhoom hridayaya nama:
2) dhoom dhoom maam sirase swaha
3) dhoom dhoom vam shikaaye vashal
4) dhoom dhoom thim kavachaaya hum
5) dhoom dhoom swaam nethratryaya vaushal
6) dhoom dhoom haam astraya phal

Chanda : pippalada rishi :, nichyachada:, jyeshta devatha:

Dhyana sloka :

“athyuchha malinaambarakhilajanodwaegaavahaa durmanaa
rookshaakshitriyathaa vishaladarshanaa sukshmodari chanchala
praswaedaambuchithaa kshuthaakulathanu: krishnaathirookshaprabhaa
dhyaeya mukthakachaa sadapriyakalirdhoomavathee mantrinaa”

peeta shakthi , peeta samisti , peeta pooja , moorti kalpana upachara , avahana , ayudha nyasa , bhooshana nyasa , , upahara all as per jyeshtalakshmi pooja (will outline this as next post)

Moorthi pooja : (omitting on purpose)

Dwastas - naivedya and conclusion as per jyeshtalakshi pooja.

iti dhoomavthi sadhana samaptham |

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51.Cchinnamasta Sadhana Siddhi

Cchinnamasta Sadhana Siddhi

Dear all, let me outline the perfection of Cchinnamasta Sadhana

The aspirant who do the japa of 4 lakh times with shuddhi and dhyana and do a homa of 40,000 numbers with the flower of plash or flower of kuvala. Then do the pooja as mentioned in the previous post. One will attain the perfection or siddhi.

If the flower of kuvala is being offered 10,000 numbers in homa, one would attain prosperity. If the nut of kuvala is being used in same number whatever is desired will come true. If the flower of malati plant is done as homa, one will attain perfection of words; vak siddhi. When the flower of chembaka, one will attain utmost comfort.

if the meat of goat is being offered 100 numbers daily, then the kings will become under control of the one who do it (for the satwic worship, specially prepared rice cake can be used in the place of meat)

if one lakh flower of kariveera is being done as homa , all the diseases will be cured and one will be in utmost comfort and live for full term of life. Red kariveera flower will bring kings and ministers under one's control.

the protection from abicharini, the obtainment of palacial residence, attainment of victory in war, travel in jungle; for the above results one should do with utmost dhyana and shuddi do the japa of 10,000 number of moola mantra. for desire fulfilment and release from the bondage , the goddess is done sankalpa as fair in color , for vasya karma (attraction), the sankalpa is of red color goddess, and for marana (slaying) as of smoky color and for stambana (stunning charm) as of golden color. All the shalkarmas can be done with this mantra.

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50.Cchinnamasta Sadhana

Cchinnamasta Sadhana
Dear all , now let me outline the Cchinnamasta sadhana. There exist mantra variants or mantra bhethas.

Astra mantra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : om sreem hreem aim vajravairochanaeyae hreem hreem phal swaha

Anga :
1) Om Aam khadgaya swaha hridayaya nama:
2) om eem khadgaya swaha sirase swaha
3) Om uum vajraaya swaha shikaayae vashal
4) Om pashaaya swaha kavachaaya hum
5) om hreem hreem astraaya phal

Chanda : bhairava rishi : samraal chanda: cchinnamasta devatha:

Dhyana shloka : omitted on purpose

Peeta shakthi peeta samishti , peeta pooja as per kaali sadhana

Moorthi kalpana - peeta shakti , moola along with cchinnamasta moorthayae nama:

Upachara - Om hreem om nama:

Aavahana - as per kaali sadhana

Ayudha nyasa –
1) khadgaaya nama:
2) swarakhapoornachashakaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa –
1) mukhtakeshaaya nama:
2) vikeernaalakaaya nama:
3) rakhtamayasarwabhushaebhyo nama:

Upahara - padyamidam , arkyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

Moorthi pooja - pranavathraya , upachara on completion starts from outside all aavaranas. outside bhupura ; vajradi and indradi , on the four apertures of bhupura from east on ;karaladi (4) , on astadala ; eka lingadi (8) , on shalkones ; angaavara , on the center of the triangle ; cchinnamastaayae nama: , on both sides 1) daakinyaee nama: 2) varninyae nama: followed by moolakshara and moola traya , Om prom sheshikaayae nama: as nirmalya dhari mantra ,with this do pooja from beginning to end with water.

Dwastas to naivedya as per bhadrakaali sadhana and completes this.

iti Cchinnamasta sadhana samaptam |

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48.Vatukabhairava Sadhana

Vatukabhairava Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline you the vatukabhairava sadhana.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : hreem vatukaaya aapadudhaaranaaya kuru kuru vatukaaya hreem

Anga :
1)hraam vaam hridayaaya nama:
2) hreem veem sirase swaha
3) hroom voom shikaayae vashal
4) hraaim vaaim kavachaya hum
5) hrau vaum nethratrayaaya vaushal
6) hra: va: astraaya phal

Chanda : brihadaaranyaka rishi: anustup chanda: aapadudhaaranau bhairavu devatha:

Dhyana : omitted on purpose :)

Peeta shakthi, peeta samisti, peeta pooja as per shiva sadhana(panchakshari)

Moorti kalpana - peeta shakthi , moola and aapadudhaarana vatukabhairavaa moorthayae nama:

Upachara - as per shiva sadhana

Aavahana - aavahana upachara, saadyojathaam prapadyaami saadyojathayavae nama: bhavaebhavae naadibhavaebhava swamaam bhavothbhavaaya nama:

Moola : aehaehi bhagavan aagacha aagacha aavaahayami

Avahana mudras :
1) moola saadyojaatham ithyadi
 2) moola vaamadevaaya namau jeshtaaya namau rudraaya nama: kaalaya nama: kalanaaya nama: kalavikalanaaya namau balaaya namau balavikalanaaya namau balapramadhanaaya nama: sarwabhoothadamanaaya namau manonmanaaya nama: samsthapithau bhava:
3)moola aghoraebhyodhaghorabhaebhyo ghora ghora taraebhyacha sarwathasharwaebhyo namaste astu rudrarupaebhya: sanniruddhaubhava along with other mudras , moola recited ending with eeshanassarvavidyaanaameeswarassarwabhoothaanaam brahmaadhipathirbrahmanaudhipathirbrahmaa shivomae astu sadaashivaum (saptamaathra pranava) , with this mantra pray on the citadel and remaining as per shiva sadhana panchakshari

Ayudha nyasa –
1) shoolaya nama:
2) dandaaya nama:

bhushana – 1
) kingineejaalya nama:
2) noopuraabhyaam nama:

Upahara - paadyamidam , arghyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

moorthi pooja - pranavathraya , upachara , moolatraya , moolakshara , anga, aayudha, bhushana , aasitham gangadi astabhairava, angavarna, aam brahmnyaadi astamathruk , dakiniputhradi , bhramanyaadi astamatruputhraadi , dhenukavadukaadi , idradi , vajradi ,chandeshwaraya nama: as nirmalyadhari from beginning to end do pooja with water

dwastas to naivedya as per shiva sadhana (panchakshari)

iti vatukabhairava sadhana samaptam |

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49.Vatukabhairava Siddhi

Vatukabhairava Siddhi

Dear all , there are various prayoga for vatukabhairava siddhi. But for the perfection , one aspirant has to do the following.

One has to do a japa of 21,00,000 times and then do homa with trimadhura with thila for 2,10,000 times and do pooja. One gets the perfection.

The prayoga for vatukabhairva deity is as follows. All this prayoga can be done by those who have got the perfection.

With the sugarcane with each piece broken and dipped in ghee, do a homa for 10,000 numbers. This is loka vashya.

If one use kairava flower in place of sugarcane, then the result is blessing of the family with a kid

if one uses thila and rice in place, then the result is abundance in wealth and grains.

If one uses the flower of kuvala, then the result is richness

if salt is crushed and mixed with tri madhura, then the women will be attracted to the one.

If pattochi chamatha is used for 21,000 times homa, then the place will be blessed with rain. If this chamata is used for 108 times homa daily, there will be no wealth and grains.

For three days, with honey do a 1000 times homa, every one will be attracted or partially under control.

The women who cannot bare children, if one pala vayamb being crushed and mixed with ghee, the mantra being infused 21,000 times to be given. After the ritu snana, the 48 days, same quantity equally the woman have to consume. When ritu period comes, stop it. When the necessary shuddha is achieved continue with it. After this process is over, the woman will be pregnant in the next ritukala and will give birth to a son. The beginning and the end of this should have a bali.

The bali can be satwic or rajasic. In satwic system, the bali is done with trimadhura mixed with payasa made of special dal. For rajasic, its blood and flesh.

iti vatukabhairva prayoga vidhana samaptam |

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47.Karnapischaachini Siddhi

Karnapischaachini Siddhi

Dear all , let me outline the perfection of the karnapischaachini sadhana.

The sadhana for karnapischaachini is to be done on a corpse (aghora) or in shavasana in the cremation ground. The mantra repetitions are for 100,000 times and the 10,000 number of it has to be done as a homa with konna chamatha. The siddhi will bestowed.

If the person has performed it without keeping the "shuddha" state, it will lead to the grace of the goddess.

With this perfection, the aspirant will be told about the thoughts of others by the goddess on his ear. She can tell you the past, any events. But she cannot tell you the future

many famous sages have used this sadhana for getting a commentary on certain events without diverting their spiritual energy for knowing the same.

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46.karnapischaachini Sadhana

karnapischaachini Sadhana

Dear all, let me now out line karnapischaachini sadhana.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Om hreem karnapischaachini karne mae kadhaya swaha

Anga :
1) Om hridayaya nama:
2) hreem sirase swaha
3) karnapischaachini shikhaye vashal
4) karne mae kavachaya hum
5) kadhaya nethrathrayaaya vaushal
6) swaha astraya phal

Chanda : vishrava: rishi: anustup chanda: karnapischaachini devata:

Dhyana : (omitted)

Peeta shakthi , peeta samisti , peeta pooja as per vada yakshini sadhana

Moorti kalpana - peeta shakthi moola and karnapischaachineemoorthayae nama:

Upachara : Om hreem om nama:

Aavahana : as per bhadrakaali sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) naramundamaalaayae nama:
2) astimaalaayae nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) kuvastrayaya nama:
2) naraandraadisarwabhushanaebhyo nama:

Upahara : padyamidam , aarkhyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

Moorti pooja : as per kali sadhana

Dwastas - naivedaya and all as per bhadrakaali sadhana

iti karnapischaachini sadhana samaptam |

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Dear all, let me outline the way to prepare the Aghoraghritha.

Do a full ekadasarudraabhisheka in the shiva linga and collect the divine water did as offering. As per vidhana, perform the aghora mantra, 360 kuvla leaves and then do the pusha based archana. Use the necessary amount of leaves and grind it with the water collected from the offering and make it clarified and then mix it with ghee. Make it boil lightly and prepare it with reciting the aghora mantra. When it becomes of the right mix, then perform a 1000 times aghora mantra japa on it and clarify and prescribe it for persons who have epilepsy. The disease will be pacified.

But this has to be done by a sadhak who have perfected the mantra.

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44.Aghorarudra Sadhana Siddhi

Aghorarudra Sadhana Siddhi
Dear all, let me outline the perfection for Aghorarudra sadhana.

With vrutha and dhyana, any aspirant who chants this mantra for a lakh times, thila mixed with ghee will be done as homa for 10,000 nos. Then do the pooja. The person will receive perfection.

ghee, kadaladi, thila, mustard , payasa made of milk, ghee if offered as homa, 1000 nos each in the night, the troubles from evil spirits , kritya etc will be vanquished.

Plash (white), chittamrit, kadaladi when offered 1000 nos each in the night, the problems that’s caused from smaller order spirits will be pacified.

Kadaladi, konna both dipped in panchagavya if offered in homa on a krishnapanchami night, do offering of 1000 nos, the troubles from bhuta (higher order spirits) will be pacified or destroyed.

Ghee, kadaladi, panchagavya, havi, ghee when offered each 1000 nos followed by smapatha hymns, provide to who ever has a demoniacal possession. The problem will be rectified.

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43.Aghorarudra Sadhana

Aghorarudra Sadhana

Dear all, let me now outline about a sadhana which has nothing to do with aghora per say, but aghoris practice it just for understanding of the mantra devatha.

This is a sadhana in which the deity is Rudra in the ferocious form. Rudra here is shiva and the vedic god Rudra himself.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Om hreem sfpura sfpura prasfpura prasfpura ghoraghorathara thanuroopa chada chada prachada prachada kaha kaha vama vama bandha bandha khataya khataya hum phal

Anga :
1) Om hreem sfpura sfpura hrudayaya nama:
2) prasfpura prasfpura sirasae swaha
3) ghora ghoratanuroopa shikhayae vashal
4)chada chada prachada prachada kavachaaya hum
5) kaha kaha vama vama nethrathryaaya vaushal
6) bandha bandha khataya khataya hum phal astraaya phal

Chanda : aghora rishi , anushtup chanda , aghorarudrau devatha

Dhyana : omitted on purpose

peeta pooja , peeta samasti , peeta pooja as per shiv panchakshari sadhana

Moorti kalpana, peeta shakthi ,moola and aghorarudramoorthayae nama:

Upachara and avahana as per shiv panchakshari sadhana except the ayudha nyasas which is mentioned below

Ayudha :
1) parashavae nama:
2) damaravae nama:
3) khadgaaya nama:
4) khetaaya nama:

Bhushana and upahara as per shiv panchakshari sadhana

Moorthi pooja - pranava thraya, upachara, moola thraya, moolakshara, anga, ayudha, bhushana, angaavarana culminated with parashavae nama: starting now with parashwathi (8), indradi (10), vajradi (10), chandeshwaraya nama: nirmalyadhari mantra, do pooja with water from beginning to end .

Dwadastas to naivedya and remaining as per shiv panchakshari sadhana .

iti aghorarudra sadhana samaptam |

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42.Prathinkara Siddhi (Ugra)

Prathinkara Siddhi (Ugra)

Dear all, let me outline the Ugra Prathinkara perfection in brief.

The austerities for the perfection is same as that of the shanta form but the mantra used will be mentioned in the ugra form of sadhana.

The added advantage of this perfection is, when this mantra becomes perfected, one will be able to send the evil spirits back to the place where it was being sent. This is one of the mantras commonly used for sorcery. I strictly advise not to do this. :)

similarly, when an yantra is written for prathinkara based on this mantra will be a great help for protection.

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40.Ugra Prathinkara Sadhana

Ugra Prathinkara Sadhana

Dear all , let me outline you the Ugra Prathinkara sadhana which is also called Krityaadyachhadanakari before moving into the perfection.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : hreem kshipram krutyae nivarthaswa karthrurevanruhaal prathi hreem pashumchaiivaasya naashaya puthraamchaiiva nibarhaya hum phal hreem nama:

Anga :
1) hreem kshipram hridayaaya nama:
2) nivarthaswa sirasae swaha
3) karthrurevagruhaan prathishikhaae vashal
4) hreem pashumchaiiva nashaya kavachaya hum
5) puthraamchaiiva nibarhaya nethratrayaya vaushal
6) hum phal hreem nama: astraaya phal

Chanda : angiraa: rishi:, anustupchanda :, kryaanaashini prathinkara devatha

Dhayana shloka : omitted on purpose

Peeta shakthi, peeta samishti, peeta pooja as per prathinkara sadhana

Moorthi kalpana : peeta shakti, moola, krityaanaashineemoorthayae nama:

Upachara : as per previous sadhana

Avaahana : as per annapoorneshwari sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) khadgaaya nama:
2) thrishoolaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) mukthakeshaya nama:
2) jwalaavaktraya nama:
3) navaambaraabhyaam nama:
4) neelakandyae nama:

Upahara : padyamidam arkhyamidam aachamaneeyamidam

Moorthi pooja - omitted as it should be learned from a competent guru

Dwastas to naivedya all the others as per annapoorneshwari sadhana

iti prathinkara sadhana samaptham |

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41.Prathinkara Siddhi (Shanta)

Prathinkara Siddhi (Shanta)

Dear all let me outline the Prantinkara perfection.

With austerities and dhyana, the aspirant has to recite the mantra for 10,000 times and do a homa for 1000 times mantra with kadaladi chamatha. You will receive the perfection. The enemies will die on themselves with achieving this perfection.

The persons who have been subjected to any black magic of any degree can be cured by making them sprinkled over with the water which has been energized by 108 times of the mantra. (one sprinkle for every recital in the 108 numbers)

If the homa is done with the kadaladi chamatha dipped in panchagavya, with every offering being circled across the person who is the subject, all evil attacks will be warded off.

If this is followed by a representative bali and attachment to the dhatu, then no evil spirits will prevail anywhere near the vicinities.

If the chamata (konna) is being used for dripping in panchagavya and done 10,000 repetitions of the mantra, then all the bad luck and the abhcarini's done across the nations will pacify.

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39.Prathyangira Sadhana

Prathyangira Sadhana

Dear all, now let me outline the most celebrated prathyangira sadhana. It’s a humble request even not to use the moolamantra I am mentioning here.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Om hreem yaam kalpayanthi noraya: krooraam kruthyaam vadhoomiva hraam brahmanaa apanirnnudma : prathyakkarthaaramruchathu hreem nama:

Anga :
1) hraam yangalpayanthi noraya: hridayaya nama:
2) krooraam kruthyaam sirase swaha
3) vadhoomiva shikhyae vashal
4) hraam brahmanaa kavachaaya hum
5) apanirnnudma: nethratryaaya vaushal
6) prathyakkarthaaramruchathu hreem nama: astraaya phal

Chanda : brahma rishi : (some says angira rishi: ) anushtup chanda: prathyangira devata:

Dhyana shloka :
"aashaambara muktakachaa khanachaavi :
dheyaa sacharmaasikaraahibhushanaa
damshtraugravakthra grasithaahithaanwayaa
prathyangiraa shankarathaejasaerithaa."

Peeta shakthi, peeta samishti, peeta pooja as per annapoorneshwari sadhana

Moorthi kalpana- peeta shakthi moola and prathyangiraa moorthayae nama:

Upachara - ugravakthraaya vidhmahae khadgahastaayae dheemahi tanna: prathyangiraa prachodayaal. (Please do not meditate on this gayatri variant)

Aavahana - as per annapoorneshwari sadhana

Ayudha nyasa –
1) khadgaaya nama:
2) charmaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa –
1) mukthachaayae nama:
2) aashambarayaa nama:

Upahara : padyamidam , arkhyamidam , aachamaniyamidam

Moorthi pooja - (omitted on purpose)

Dwastas - naivedaya and remaining as per annapoorneshwari sadhana

iti prathyangira sadhana samaptham|

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38.Raktachamundi Siddhi

Raktachamundi Siddhi

Dear all, now let me outline how the perfection for the Raktachamundi sadhana.

The moola mantra is to be chanted 8 lakh times and perform homa as mentioned. for the pooja do a naivedya of ghee payasa and rice cake and for prasanna pooja perform a guruthi tharpana. This will give the siddhi.

Those who are affected by a suksha ethereal attack, please make them do vibhoothi snana, the dathwaakarshana, and a small sacrificial ritual (all these to be learned from a competent guru). Depends on the cogency and power of the ethereal possession, Perform a bali or homa or both. The person will be relieved of the attack

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37.Raktachamundi Sadhana

Raktachamundi Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline the raktachamundi sadhana.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Om hreem rakthachamundyaee nama:

Anga : as per bhuvaneshwari sadhana

Chanda : esha rishi:, pankti chanda:, raktachamundi devata:

Dhayana sloka : omitted on purpose

Peeta shakthi , peeta samishti , peeta pooja as per Bhadrakali sadhana

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakti moola rakthachamundeemoorthayae nama:

Upachara : rudrasuthaayae vidhmahe shoolahastaayae dhimahi tannschamundi prachodayaal

Aavaha : as per bhadrakali sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) trishulaaya nama:
2) parashavae nama:
3) paashaaya nama:
4) angushaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) kireedaaya nama:
2) ardhachandraaya nama:
3) tharalakundalaabhyaam nama:
4) angadaadi sarvabhushanaebhyo nama:

Upahara : paadyamidam, arkhyamidam, aachamaneeyamidam

Moorti pooja : pranavatraya, upachara, moolatraya, moolakshara, anga, ayudha, bhushana , angavarana, after this Am asithangabhairavaadi (16) indradi, vajraadi,
prom sheshikaayae nama:, the nirmalyadhari, do from beginning to end pooja with water.

Dwastas to naivedya and all else as per bhadrakali sadhana

iti raktachamundi sadhana samaptam |

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33.Kali Sadhana

Kali Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline the kali sadhana now. This is really dangerous among all to practice. Even to chant the moola mantra is on the risk of the individual who takes up the task.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola mantra : kreem kreem kreem hum hum hreem hreem dakshinae kaalikae kreem kreem kreem hum hum hreem hreem swaha

Anga :
1) kraam hridayaaya nama:
2) kreem sirase swaha
3) kroom shikhaye vashal
4) krayim kavachaya hum
5) kraum nethratrayaya vaushal
6) kra: astraaya phal

Chanda : bhairava rishi: ushnik chanda : kaali devata

Dhayana : omitting it purposely

Peeta shakthi : hreem nama:

Peeta samisti : Om hreem kaalikaayogapeethathmane nama:

Peeta pooja mantras : gurwathi (as mentioned in bhadra kali sadhana), jnanatmaka , jayaati, navashakthi peeta samisti with all these do pooja from beginning to end with water.

P:S : pooja yantra can be an idol or an yantra or padma .

Yantra/ padma definitions: shadkone, in the center of it thrikone, in the centre a bindu in perfect circle, along with that 8 leaflets (ashtadala) along with bhupura.

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakti, moola kaalimurthayae nama:

Upachara , avahana as per bhadra kaali pooja

Ayudha nyasa –
1) khadgaya nama:
2) daarika sirase nama:
3) abhayaya nama:
4) varadaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa –
1) muktakeshaaya nama:
2) siromaalaaya nama:
3) shavakundalabhyam nama:
4) shavakaramekhalaaye nama:

Upahara : padyamidam, arkhyamidam, achamaneeyamidam

Moorthi pooja : pranavathraya, upachara, moolathraya, moolakshara, anga, ayudha, bhushana, angavarana after that on shadkone kaliyaadi(6), on trikones and shadkones ugradi(9), on astadala bhramyaadi (8), on bhupuras eight sides bhairavyaadi(8), outside bhupura indradi, vajradi; along with "prom sheshikaaye nama:" the nirmalyadhaari mantra, do pooja with water from beginning to end

Dwastas naivedya and all remaining as per bhadra kali pooja

ithi kaali sadhana samaptam |

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34.Kali Sadhana Siddhi

Kali Sadhana Siddhi

Dear all, let me outline the perfection of kali sadhana.

With dhyana and vrutha, if an aspirant do japa of 1 lakh times of the mantra and then do 10,000 times homa using kariveera flowers and do pooja, he will get the siddhi.

Recite the mantra in a cemetery in the night, 10,000 times sitting naked. Then on a corpse (details omitted) at the heart position, sit naked with the blood of one's own sprinkled on erik flowers, do a flower worship with each flower offered chanting the mantra. If this sadhana is fulfilled, the aspirant will become the owner of land of big sizes.

With the vaginal fluid of woman smeared on the body of oneself, do meditate upon this mantra for 10,000 times, the person will become a great poet and will be well known to people.

If this mantra is recited every evening with the sankalpa of kali and mahakala doing "surata" (sexual intercourse of pleasure nature) in their sleeping chamber, for 1000 times for every day for a year , the person will be bestowed upon with the knowledge of all sorts , all vidyas , prosperities, fame, with children and grandchildren and thereby live comfortable forever.

If the mantra is done homa with red lotus flowers for 1000 times, the person will be richer than kubera. If the homa is done with bilwa, then he/she gets a kingdom.
If blood red flowers are offered, one can seduce the entire world for one's own will.

If you recite the mantra sitting in the corpse for 1 lakh times, you will receive the perfection of the mantra and all the desires will be fulfilled.

If the "bali" of rishabha or goat is done with the offering of blood and flesh, then all perfections will reach him/her. 

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35.Kali Sadhana - Satwic and Madhyama Ways

Kali Sadhana - Satwic and Madhyama Ways

 Dear all, let me outline the kali sadhana in the satwic and madhayama ways.

In the satwic way, sitting on the "shava" or corpse is being depicted as the yogic posture shavasana. A competent guru should advise the the mantra and the disciple should recite the mantra in the same asana.

In the treatment of "bali” the blood and the flesh is replaced by "guruthi" and leaf cooked rice sweet. In the tarpana vidhi, the honey, kadali fruit a category variant in plantain, "taripana" are used. The vidhi is " najayathe ithyaja:” The ajamamasa extract is symbolized by butter.

The kali sadhana is not supposed to be done under any circumstances based on text book knowledge. This will create havoc.

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36.Raktheswari Sadhana

Raktheswari Sadhana

Dear all, there are various mantranthara or variants to Kali Ma. But to outline them is like representations of the same sadhana with a little variation. Those who are interested can pursue it finding the suitable guru. But for all sadhanas to be successful, the lord of tantra and aghora, lord shiva is the root and should be remembered. :)

now let me outline the raktheswari sadhana.

Astra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola mantra : Aim hreem raktheswaryaee nama:

Anga :
1) Aim hraam hridayaya nama:
2) Aim hreem sirase swaha
3) Aim hroom shikhaye vashal
4) Aim hraim kavachaaya hum
5) Aim hraum nethratrayaya vaushal
6) Aim hra: astraaya phal

Chanda : isha rishi: gayatri chanda: raktheswari devata:

Dhyana : (omitted)

Peeta shakthi , peeta samishti , peeta pooja as per kali sadhana

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakthi and moola and raktheswari moorthayae nama:

Upchara : rudrasuthaayae vidhmahe khadgahasthayae dheemahi tanno raktheswari prachodayaal

Avahana : as per bhadrakali sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) karawaalaya nama:
2) rakthapoornachashakaaya nama:

Bhushana sadhana :
1) kireedaya nama:
2) ardhachandraaya nama:
3) kundalabhyaam nama:
4) rakthamaalaayae nama:
5) rakthaamshukaaya nama:
6) rakthamayasarwabhooshanaebhyo nama:

Upahara : paadyamidam , arkhyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

Moorti pooja : pranavathrya, upachara , moola thraya , moolakshara , anga, ayudha , bhushana , vashinyaadyashtashakthi , angaavarana , asithangabhairavaadi (16) , indradi , vajraadi along with "prom sheshikaaye nama:" ; the nirmalyadhaari do pooja from beginning to end with water.

Dwasta - naivedya and remaining all as per the bhadrakaali sadhana

iti raktheswari sadhana samamptam |

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32.Bhadra Kali Sadhana

Bhadra Kali Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline one bhadrakali sadhana which has a few of its ritualistic steps being followed in the yakshini sadhanas.

Astra - sleem pashu hum phal

Moola - Aeim kleem sau: hreem bhadrakaalyae nama:

Anga :
1) hraam bham hridayaya nama:
2) hreem bhram sirase swaha
3) hroom kaam shikhaye vashal
4) hraim laayaem kavachaya hum
5) hraum nam nethrathrayaya vaushal 6) hra: ma: astrayaya phal

Chanda : eshwara rishi: , pankti chanda: , shakthi bhairavi devatha

Dhayana : (omitted on purpose)

Peeta shakthi - hreem nama:

Peeta samisti - Om hreem sarwashakthimayaaya brahmaavishnusivatmakaaya prethasanaaya nama:

Peeta pooja –
1) gum gurubhyo nama:
2) gam ganapathayae nama:
3) kam karthyayinnayae nama:
4) ksham kshethrapaalaya nama:
5) aadharashakthiayaee nama:
6) moolaprakrithyae nama:
7) aadikurmaaya nama:
8) vidyaabdhae nama:
9) ratnadweepaya nama:
10) manimandapaaya nama:
11) kalpavrikshaaya nama: along with dharmathi (4) adharmaadi (4)
12 ) anandaaya nama:
13) pridhivyaae nama:
14) navayoni chakraaya nama: along with ichhadi navashakti , samsathwathi (6) , mandala thraya , aatma chatusta , kaaranjana peetathi , peeta samisti (54 total) do pooja with water from beginning to end. ( will provide a glossary for the common mantras mentioned across various sadhanas)

Moorthi kalpana - peeta shakti , moola , bhadrakaalimoorthayae nama:

Upachara - rudrasuthaayae vidhmahae shoolahastaaya dheemahe thanna: kaali prachodayaal

Aavahana , mudras , vyapaka , lipinyasa , panchatatwa nyasa moolakshara nyasas , anga nyasa chandas etc has to be done per a competent guru's advice (i will outline a general way of doing this in the end of all sadhanas as a glossary for satisfying the curiosity of th reader, strictly not for

Aayuda nyasa –
1) khadgaaya nama:
2) charmaaya nama:
3) trishoolaaya nama:
4) kapaalaya nama:

bhushana nyasa –
1) kiridaaya nama:
2) ardhachandraaya nama:
3) mahaarhakundalaabhyaam nama:
4) haaraaya nama:
5) angadaebhyo nama:
6) kanganaebhyo nama:
7) kadakaebhyo nama:
8) rakthapattambharaabhyaam nama:
9) raktamaalaayae nama:
10) raktakaanjyaae nama:
11) ratnamekhalaayae nama:
12) ratnanoopuraabhyam nama:

Upahara - padyamidam , arkhyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

Moorthi pooja - pranavathraya, upachara, moolatraya, moolakshara, anga, ayudha, bhushana, and then with vashinyaadyashtashakti (8), asithaanga bhairavaadi (16), indradi , vajraadi along with the nirmaalyadhari " praumshaeshikaaye nama:", with all these do pooja with water from beginning to end.

1) Aeim sundaryae nama:
2) kleem sumukhaye nama: naivedya and all the remaining as per normal pooja systems.

iti bhadra kali sadhana samaptam |

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