Wednesday 24 August 2016

67.The world of Projections

The world of Projections
Dear all, a perfected being now understands the unreal world in the real sense. The stula and sukshma sacrifices with the level of karana being understood, one visualizes the world in its right way. Now he sees his own sthula as a mere projection of the limited ego with the attributes derived from karana. The ego since it’s the strongest identification of one's limited state will make the projection visible to the ordinary levels and present the stula as a reality. The rasa, guna and the tatwas are all in ratio as per the accounting of karmas with the karana sharira. The sukshma thus loses its true nature and projects the body as its state.

The state of projection is different with luminous ones, ethereal beings, human beings and lower order beings like animals etc. Let the focus on the human beings and lower order beings.

When the projection for the sthula is determined it needs a center for interaction and confinement. The mind is formed as the epicenter of these two facilities. The mind process continuously the interactions of sthula projection and also eclipse the one from the true nature. The developed level of karmas and the ability to think (the one who thinks is called manava) makes the stula representations varied in manifolds. Even from the mere color of skin to the nature of interactions and tastes, the stula projection expresses complex variations in traits. The birth of an individual is there for only happens when a suitable couple projects their immense desire to have an offspring. :)

When we looks at animals, they have a less developed mind and hence they are similar in the projections to a major extend. The lesser the level more similar the projections.

This reality explains every phenomenon and validate whatever science invented and yet to invent in future. Apart from as Sthula projection, the karana also projects in the subtle realms also. These projections and how the cosmos exists will be discussed in next posts 



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