Wednesday 24 August 2016

69.Revisiting the Cremation ground

Revisiting the Cremation ground
Dear all, the individualistic perspective of enlightened level is clearly expressed, now it’s the time for the enlightened to visit the cremation ground. This time he/she never feels at all alone in cremation ground. With the virtue of the clarified bodies, he/she visualizes the various beings present in the cremation ground with the deeper perception.

The accomplished now do a shava sadhana on the corpse which is of the opposite gender. The procedures are of the same in this case as before. This time the corpse chosen should be fresh. In other words it should be not been in the state of death for long. In short, the vyana, the vayu should not be allowed to leave the body. :)

The shava sadhana in this level will bring the connection of the vyana of the aghori to the vyana of the subject. This is the first of the time a heterogeneous projection is established with the will full effort of the accomplished one. The vyana of the opposite gender mingles with the vyana of the accomplished one and the intent of the very creation of the being is known now to the aghori.

When traverse through the vyana, the aghori accomplishes connection with the other vayus and agni's of the being in its previous states of lower forms and also this heterogeneous interaction kindles the understanding of the connection with vyanas and agni's of the animate and inanimate beings around as a result product of the sadhana.

Since human is the known stronger projection to this world , all the elementary levels beneath it is visualized and this whole world projections are manifested in front of the aghori as the collective will of many interlacing projections. But with the power to control the basic tatwas of one higher order being, the aghori has accomplished his/her ability to control anything that pertains to this world.

Now the jagat is midhya to him/her. Just a manifestation which he/she can produce with the very intent involving respective souls which fit the realms.



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