Tuesday 25 October 2016

24 forms of vishnu

24 forms of vishnu

Śrīman Nārāyaṇa / vishnu manifests in 24 different forms, in each of these forms he is accompanied by Lakṣmī.

The divine couples are as follows:—

Keśava - Having beautiful hair
Kīrti - Fame, good report, fame, renown

Nārāyaṇa - Ground of Being
Kānti - Beauty, loveliness

Mādhava - He propounds the true knowledge about himself
Tuṣṭi - satisfaction

Govinda - Lord of the Earth
Puṣṭi - prosperity, nourishment

Viṣṇu - All-pervading
Dhṛti - fortitude, endurance, persistence

Madhusūdana - Slayer of the “honey” demon
Śānti - peace

Trivikrama - He who pervades the 3 Vedas
Kriyā - activity, endeavour

Vāmana - Saviour of Indra, he who produces joy in others.
Dayā - compassion

Śrīdhara - The bearer of Śrī who listens-to-prayers.
Medhā - intellectual prowess

Hṛṣīkeśa - Master of the senses.
Harṣā - Joy

Padmanābha - The navel which contains the universe
Śraddhā - faith

Dāmodara - He who contains the universe in his belly
Lajjā - modesty

Vāsudeva - He who pervades and sports
Lakṣmī - observing

Sankarṣaṇa - He who draws others near him.
Sarasvatī - comforting

Pradyumna - The illuminator
Prīti - love

Aniruddha - The irresistible
Rati - sexual-pleasure

Puruṣottama - The Supreme being
Vasudhā - wealth producing

Janārdana - The protector from negative forces.
Umā - tranquillity, quiet

Adhokṣaja - The one who is never diminished, or decreased
Smṛti - perfect mindfulness or memory

Upendra - The younger brother of Indra
Kṣamā - forgiveness

Nṛsiṁha - The one who assumes the celestial man-lion form
Vidyutā - flashing, glittering

Hari - The one who accepts oblations, or the remover of sin.
Śuddhi - purity

Achyuta - He who never falls from his status.
Vijayā - victory, success, achievement

Kṛṣṇa - He who is exceedingly delighted with his own Lila.
Buddhi - intelligence

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