Wednesday 24 August 2016

65.Panchamakara Sadhana

Panchamakara Sadhana

Dear all, with the five elements cleansed and charged with the mantra and the resemblance with deity; one develops the divine connection with the cosmic shakti; ma. The deities which are manifestations to the various levels of involvement in this world are directly linked with ma. It is ma alone who creates, keeps and destroys every animate and inanimate objects and conducts all actions through the agents.

The aspirant who is in the process of identifying with his/her deity is now in direct connection with ma; but still he/she has a predominant sthula and a sukshma sharira; although of higher order than normal humans.

With the Panchamakara, He/she offers the ultimate sacrifice to the sukshma sharia. The panchamakara is the sadhana in which the subtle existence of all the five elements is duly acknowledged and freed. In this sadhana, the panchamakara are mamsa, mudra, matsya, madira and maithuna.These are silence, breath (the breath already in nyasa oriented levels), erect posture (possibly siddhasana), the kundalini union and the nectar of life.

The process of panchamakara is as follows: the accomplished one who is resembling the deity, in the cradle of ma divinely connected should do the nyasa of the mantra of deity ( this is already inherent as a part of breath; (for understanding of readers its explicitly stated)), requests ma(pashyanthi or para form of communication) to identify herself with dormant shakti (Kundalini). Ma who is connected with the aspirant channels the cosmic force and thus the kundalini awakens in the aspirant for the first time with at most perfection. The properties of each element are known now in absolute to the aghori and he/she knows how to play with it internally.

When the kundalini reaches bindu visarga, the nectar of immortality is blessed to the aspirant. One can receive the nectar either in bhutaagni or jataragni. In jataragni, it makes the aghori independent of all necessities of sustenance. But in bhuta agni, it transcends the state of sukshma to absolute.

Dear all, the bondage of sukshma on any kind is now non existent. The choice of an Aghori to be an immortal or the one who should return to the source is decided at this level.

The complete knowledge of sukshma which comes with the ascend of the kundalini through the subsequent chakras; provide with the perfect awareness of the microcosmic world. As the macrocosmic world is just a reality to the limited self whichever level the self exists, the complete understanding of microcosmic levels will give the understanding of all worlds that exists in the subtle levels which have equal representations in the macrocosmic space. After the ascent upto bindu visarga, the kundalini starts her downward path, once again visiting all subtle worlds.

On reaching wherever the original kundalini resided, the aghori can now open into the current world with the new identity of limitless subtle knowledge and divine connections with ma. The identification of deity is not a mere resemblance now. It is nearing to perfection.

Thus the panchamakara sadhana is completed.



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