Wednesday 24 August 2016

63.Relevance of Various deities

Relevance of Various deities

Dear all, since the sadhanas and deities are endless; I conclude the sadhanas and perfections section. But the major query of the reader will be the relevance of this sadhanas in aghora. As I mentioned in the beginning, the purpose of all the sadhanas mentioned above is to understand the existence of deities and their nature. But there are other rationales for an aghori to embark upon such sadhanas.
The confined space of being a human, cleansed in the two realms of agni and vayu, still have limitations. To transcend from the finite to infinite requires the advancement in the levels of awareness also. Having a sthula sharira cleansed in the realms of agni and vayu enables the easy accent of the levels of awareness.
As the ultimate goal of the aghori is to return to the source at the earliest, he/she will perform any actions to accelerate the levels of progress.It is common that most of the aspirants would develop a sense of belonging to one deity. This sense of unconditional love and the sadhana resulting in perfection will enable to achieve all purusharthas for an ordinary sadhak. But for an aspiring aghori, what he/she wants to achieve is the complete self identification with his/her deity. When an aspiring aghori self identifies completely with his/her deity, the human limitations on the levels of awareness transcends to limitless higher levels. The faculties of being a human slowly being replaced by eternal faculties inherent in the deity. The levels of existence also will be enhanced beyond the four dimensions.
But attaining a perfection of one sadhana is only a stepping stone. There are various steps following the perfection of the sadhana to the self identification with the deity.



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