Wednesday 24 August 2016

70.Across The Worlds

Across The Worlds

Dear all, with the complete understanding of the levels of existence with the deeper level tatwas, the aghori can now enter into the state of deep contemplation. Now with the new found knowledge of the intermingling of projections in this current world , he/she can see what has happened , what is happening and whats in the future as resultant by products of the various projections.

now its time to shrink the sthula to the sukshma. The subtle understanding to tatwas provide him/her with the ability to control them in gross level also. Thus with the intent of the aghori, the five elements drops its projection to the world and the mind becomes detached. This mind which seeds the ego merges to the true identity of the being; the self. The karana sharira is now a spectator. With the closed eyes, the aghori closes his existence to the external world which is the reality to the human beings.

The kundalini which is awakened in him/her will give with choices of world to manifest. Now the aghori can vary the level of consciousness to manifest in any of the lokas or worlds and communicate with all beings pertaining to the world.

It’s all of projecting oneself into the desired world with the attributes that suits the world. This is how the immortals traverse and the luminous ones. The way is always the same. 



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