Tuesday 23 August 2016

Vedic sadhana http://ift.tt/2bNZFg7


62.Hanuman Sadhana Siddhi & Detailed Prayoga

Hanuman Sadhana Siddhi & Detailed Prayoga
Dear all let me outline the perfection of Hanuman sadhana.

An aspirant who with vrutha and dhayana, chants the mantra for 12,000 times and then do a homa of 1200 number with a mixture of milk , curd and ghee mixed equally with paddy grains(with the shell), he/she will get the perfection. With this perfection, he/she becomes eligible for fulfillment of wishes of both one's own and others.

kadali banana, musambi, the jaggery sweet made of rice, and mango if offered each one thousand in number followed by the offering of food to 21 brahmachari brahmins, he/she will be able to vanquish any ethereal inflictions, possessions, enemies, the bad effects of planets, asuras etc.

A perfected one if he/she takes a bowl of fresh water, infuse the mantra for 108 times to it and then gives it to anyone who have been poisoned, the effect of the poison wards off.

a perfected one if he/she chants the mantra for 900 times, every night for a period of 10 days , he/she will be mitigated from the fears and threats caused by any enemy ; even the enemy is the King.

Detailed Prayoga

Dear all, let me outline the detailed prayoga of the hanuman sadhana.

The fever that is caused by the abhicarini prayoga can be cured by first infusing the vidhuti with 108 times of the mantra and then do a marjara on the patient with the vibhuti in water or just by sprinkling the vibhuti itself on the patient. It takes three days of the same treatment to cure one person completely.

For the ease at treatment of diseases, an accomplished can infuse this mantra on medicines prescribed for the treatment and use them.

If an accomplished drinks milk with reciting the mantra for a battle, he/she never fails. If the vibuthi infused by this mantra is put all over body, the arrows of the enemies never find its way to the accomplished. When there is a wound in body with any weapons or made by insects like scorpion, the vibhuti infused with the mantra can be smeared and the wound will be healed. In all the above situations, mantra is rendered 108 times.

From the glowing fire, collect the ashes and keep it on a vessel. From sunrise to sunset the accomplished should chant the mantra touching the vessel. Now collect a new set of ashes from the fire. Drop both the ashes at the door steps of enemies. The enemies will create differences among themselves and drift apart. if the ashes is mixed with water and make a small smear of that on the forehead, and mix the mixture with sandalwood paste, then mix it with any food items and then give to any person whom you want to control , the person will be under your control as a servant.
Even wild animals are tamed with this.

if an accomplished make an idol of hanuman with the root of "ung" tree and that too to the size of his/her thumb, then do the prana prathista on that along with the pooja with vermilion , installed facing the home, he/she will not be affected by any ethereal beings , fire, poisons, 'enemity' of kings. Also the person will have a prosperity and wealth amassed on a daily basis.

Detailed Prayoga - Marana
Dear all, although marana is not a prayoga which comes under the purview of aghora, for the understanding of the readers i am mentioning a marana prayoga also now. The prayoga is as follows:

With the ashes or sand taken from the cremation ground, make an idol of the enemy. Write his/her name on the heart portion of the idol. Now do the pranaprathista on the idol and then with the chanting of this mantra, the accomplished should cut the idol with a sword. During the chant, one should add the name of the enemy making it "dwiteeyanta" and "cchinthibhindhi" and cut the idol, which means chanting "name of the person" cchinthi, bhindhi, "name of the person" maraya maraya. When one is doing it, he/she should bite her mouth and do the sankalpa dhyana that the body parts of the enemy is getting separated and he/she is dead. One should now press the hands against each other and leave the idol there and go back home. This should be repeated for 8 days. Enemy dies.

There are a few prayoga's in which one can invoke other ethereal beings as sub deities along with the help of a main deity. Its very common in vedic systems that more than one deva is present. But in any forms of other worships it’s rare. I am outlining the invocation of a vethala along with the marana prayoga now. :))

In the cremation ground, make a yagna kunda of semicircle nature (dimensions as per tantra yagna workbooks and not shrauta sutras). The homa is conducted facing the south. The accomplished should untie his/her hair. The articles of offerings are different for brahmanas who are accomplished and other groups castes who are accomplished due to inherent nature that brahmanas worship vedic rituals also.

The articles used for offerings are an equal mixture of salt and mustard, the seed and flower of durdhura,nail,poison,body hair along with chamtha of naruvari; for brahmanas. The offering has to be done 300 times. For non brahmanas,the articles are the wing of crow,kocha,eagle and owl along with 300 times of chamtha of naruvari.On the same night after the offering,one has to chant the mantra for 600 times. Once this process is repeated for 7 days, the enemy dies. Continue the same for another 3 days, a vethala will emerge and will make the accomplished known to the good and evil events and also the future of the accomplished. The vethala will ever remain after and accompany the accomplished one;obeying his/her commands. :))

If the accomplished one draws the picture of hanuman on the earth and chant the mantra adding to the beginning "name of the person to be freed from physical bondage by force, vimochaya vimochaya",then after once chant , he/she should erase the picture drawn with the left hand and repeat the same for 108 times.The person who is held in physical bondage by force will be freed.

The accomplished one of this mantra can perform the vidweshan and vasikaran with this mantra. The difference is the articles of offerings. For vidwesha , one should use karaveera , its flower or pepper. For Vashya; one should use mustard.

For the cure of jwara , one should offer ghee or milk.For the cure of serious
Stomach ailments one should offer the chamtha of kurunochi dipped in oil for 1000 times.

The accomplished one,if he/she offers sandalwood or gorochana or flowers which have good inherent scent, all the luck will be the granted to him as the result.

All shalkarmas can be performed with this mantra after perfection. But the aspirant should be keeping his brahmacharya during the austerities and also remember lord rama with affection.

if an accomplished person who have no specific desires (the aghori) chants this for 1 lakh times, he/she will be upasak to Hanuman.

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61.Hanuman Sadhana

Hanuman Sadhana

Dear all, before moving into the real Hanuman sadhana and aspects of perfection, I would like to write a post about hanuman. Hanuman or Anjaneya is considered one of the most ferocious among the deities in the treatment of aghora. At the same time an aghori can relate very well more than any others in other schools of spiritual discipline with hanuman. The very name of the form of hanuman as Anjaneya is the example for how an aghori sees him. The son of Anjana –  Anjaneya.

The divine ma Adya is seen in every mother by an aghori. For Anjaneya, the very devotion to his mother is also well mentioned in scriptures. Such a similarity in relationship makes Anjaneya a brother, a protector for an adept, during his early stages of development.

For Anjaneya there are various practices and styles of worship spread across in various schools of thought. The way in which an aghori invokes anjaneya in cremation grounds clearly distinguishes him for the others.

The sadhana of anjaneya is also a proof of the neutrality of aghora as a treatise which is independent and not mere as a subset classification to a shaivite system.

Hanuman Sadhana
Dear all , let me outline the hanuman sadhana

Astra : sahasrara hum phal

Moola : haum hahsaehkhaehhraim saehkhaehhraim haehsaum haehsaehkhraehhraimhaehsaum hanumathae nama:

Anga :
1) haum hridayaya nama:
2) hahsaehkaehhraim sirase swaha:
3) sahkhahhraim shikhayae vashal
 4) hahsaum kavachaaya hum
5) hahsahkhahhraim nethrayaabhyam vaushal
6) hahsaum astrayaa phal

Chanda - ramachandra rishi: jagathi chanda: hanuman devatha:

Dhayana : omitted on purpose :))

Peeta shakti : sreem nama:

Peeta samishti : sreem vaishnavayogapeetaya nama:

Peeta pooja : garwathijnanatmanandae vimalaadinavashakthi , peeta samisti from beginning to end do pooja with water

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakti , moola and hanuman moortayae nama:

Upachara : balam dhaechi tanushnau balamindraauanalaustuna: balam taukaaya tanayaaya jeevasetwam hi baladaa asi

Aavahana : omitted as needed to be done on guru upadesha

Ayudha nyasa :
1) mulgaraya nama:
2) gadaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) makudaya nama:
2) swarnakundalabhyaam nama:
3) haaraya nama:
4) angadaadi sarwabhushanaebhyau nama:

Upachara : arkyamidam, padyamidam, achamaneeyamidam

Moorti pooja : pranavathrya, upachara, moolathryaya, moolakshara, anga, ayudha, bhushana, after agnavarana ramabhaktyiadi , sugreevadi, indradi, vajradi, pushpadharinyae nama: as nirmalyadhari, with this mantra do pooja with water from beginning to end

Dwastas :
1) mudgarapaanayae nama:
2) gadapaanayae nama: and naivedya and remaining pooja as per generic pooja ways and complete the same

iti hanuman sadhana samaptam ||

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60.Shulini Durga Siddhi and Prayoga

Shulini Durga Siddhi and Prayoga

Dear all, let me outline the perfection of the sadhana.

With dhyana and vrutha, the aspirant should recite the moola mantra to 100,000 times of the number of aksharas in the mantra. Then perform a havan with 10% of the total number with ghee. The perfection is happened.

If the perfected one, when performs a havan of 1000 times of the mantra on trimadhura mixed with thila, he/she receives the superhuman powers.

If the perfected one performs a havan of 100 times daily with ghee or karuka, he/she will receive the desired wealth in one year.

If the perfected one , do a havan of 10,000 times and sampata being smeared on the weapons, then the one who goes to battle with the weapons will be victorious over enemies.

If the perfected one, do a havan of 10,000 times with chamatha of banyan tree or trimadhura mixed with thila, then he can gain control over the people on higher positions.

If a weapon is on the hand and the perfected one , do a sankalpa of goddess black skinned as the vanquisher and then touch the weapon on anyone one who is under demoniacal possession, the possession will be released.

If the perfected one chants the mantra, the venom of snake, rat, and scorpion all will be cured.
If the perfected one energizes the arrows with this mantra, the very use of these arrows can make the enemies to leave the battle field. If the aspirant does the sankalpa of goddess carrying the 'shula' and 'paasha' as ayudha, then he can come back victorious from any wars.

Now I am outlining the marana prayoga. If the perfected one, do a hawan with thila and mustard for 100,000 times, with the name of the enemy mentioned with the mantra. On successful completion, the enemy dies.

iti shulini prayoga samaptham |

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59.Shulini Durga Sadhana

Shulini Durga Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline now the Shulini Durga sadhana, the one form of goddess manifested along with Prathyangira

Astra : sahasrara hum phal

Moola : Om hreem jwalajwala shulini dushtagruha hum phal swaha

Anga :
1) shulini durge hum phal hridayaya nama:
2) shulinivaradae hum phal sirasae swaha
3) shulinivindyavasini hum phal shikayae vashal
4) shulinyasuramardini hum phal kavachaya hum
5) shulini yudhapriyae trasa yatrasaya astraya phal

Chanda : deerkhama: rishi: kukup chanda: shulinidurga devata:

Dhyana shloka :(omitted on purpose) :)

Peeta shakti , peeta samishti peeta pooja mantras as per durga sadhana

Moorthi kalpana : hreem nama: Om hreem jwalajwala shulini dustagraha hum phal swaha nama: shulini moorthayae nama:

Upachara - ayuda nyasa ( as mentioned below) and remaining as per durga sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) chakraya nama:
2) shakhyaya nama:
3) sharaya nama:
4) chapaya nama:
5) khadgaya nama:
6) trishulaya nama:
7) gadaayae nama:
8) pashaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa - upahara - moorthi pooja - dwastas -naivedya as all per durga sadhana.

iti shulini sadhana samaptham |

to be continued ... :)) 

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58.Kubera Sadhana Perfection

Kubera Sadhana Perfection
Dear all, let me outline the kubera sadhana perfection.

With dhyana and vruta, if an aspirant chants this mantra for 100,000 times, the do a homa of 10,000 number with thila and then do the pooja. The perfection will be blessed on the person.

If the mantra is chanted 10,000 times in a temple of lord shiva, one will get vast riches and wealth.

If the mantra is chanted sitting in the shade of kuvala tree for 100,000 times, he/she will be bestowed with unmeasurable money.

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57.Kubera Sadhana

Kubera Sadhana
Dear all, let me outline the Kubera sadhana.

Astra : Sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Yakshaya kuberaya vaishravanaaya dhanadhaanyadhipathayae dhanadhaanyasamardhim mae dehi dadaapaya swaha

Anga :
1) yakshaya hridayaya nama:
2) kuberaya sirase swaha
3) vaishravanaaya shikaayae vashal
4) dhanadhaanyaadhipathayae kavachaya hum
5) dhanadhaanyasamardhim mae nethraabhyaam vaushal
6) dehi dadaapaya swaha astraaya phal

Chanda : vishrava rishi: , brihati chanda: , shivamithrau dhaneshswaro devata:

Dhayana :
garudaratnanibham nidhinaayakam
shivasakham mukutaadivibhushitham
varagade dadhatham bhaja thundilam”

Peeta shakti , peeta samishti peeta pooja as per shiva sadhana

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakti with moola , dhanamoorthayae nama:

Upachara , aavahana as per vaishravana sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) gadaayae nama:
2) varadaaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa, upahara, moorti pooja,

Dwastas and naivedya all as per vaishravana sadhana.

iti Kubera sadhana samaptham |

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56.Bagalamukhi Sadhana Siddhi and Prayoga

Bagalamukhi Sadhana Siddhi and Prayoga
Dear all, let me outline the perfection and the detailed prayoga(use)

The aspirant for the perfection with vrutha and dhyana has to chant the mantra for 100,000 times and then do a homa with picchi flower for 10,000 times. Then again do the pooja as mentioned above. He/she gets the perfection.

The person who gains perfection in this way can do a stambhana on even devas [as bagalamukhi is a part of the dasamahavidyas and she is the stambhanashakthi. The RV 10.120.1 attributes to her, subtle intonations]. The aspirant has to use yellow colored garland, clothes, yellow colored anoints and with red sandalwood paste should do the pooja for bagalamukhi.

With thila mixed with trimadhura, if the perfected one offers for 10,000 times in homa, he enslaves all people around him. If salt is used instead of thila to mix with trimadhura, then he can attract people to him.

With neem leaves dipped in oil and do an offering 10,000 times, then it causes discord among desired people and entities.

With the dark palm leaves, mixed with salt and tamarind powder, 10,000 times, it causes stambhana of enemies.

Now I am providing you with a marana prayoga. But whoever performs it is at their risk as most marana prayoga has the innate ability required to deploy it against someone successfully. If one do not the have the innate ability, the spell back fires and the one who deploy loses his sthula sharira or physical body... :)

Now let me outline the marana deployment. The articles used are charcoal, mutha fruit, small mustard seeds, ghee of buffalo and gul gul. This is offered on any funeral pyre of 10,000 nos. It results in the slaying of the enemy intended.

One added comment I would like to make here as aghori is - if you are performing it and the sukshma or the fragment of sukshma of the person whose funeral fire you do the offering; is strong enough, it can definitely attack you. :) it attracts karmic debt for even the person whose funeral fire is being used.

Dear all, let me continue with the detailed prayoga.

If the perfected one do a homa of 10,000 times with the mixture of karuka , chitamrut, malar dipped in trimadhura , he can cure all the incurable diseases.[as stated in ayurveda]

For achieving a higher wattage, the aspirant can perfect the mantra by sitting on the top of mountain , or the deep jungles or the river confluences, adhering to brahmacharya and recite it the same 100,000 times. He will get all the perfections.

If the perfected one do a japa of 300 numbers with a mixture of milk from a cow having a single color , sugar and honey and give it to anyone for consumption, he will be cured of the effects of any venom.

If the perfected one makes a wooden sandal made out of white plash wood, then anoint it with mehndi, chant the mantra for 100,000 times touching the sandal and then do a homa of 10,000 numbers, the person can cover very long distances in a matter of seconds on wearing such a perfected sandal.

if the perfected one, cleanse and perfect mercury [this is one topic I am going to refrain from writing as it is a secretive alchemical methodology and should be passed from guru to disciple.. :)) ] grind with cleanse manola and juice of black palm fruit and honey and chant the mantra for 100,000 times and consume it. This will give the perfection to be invisible from normal eyes [you will be still visible to subtle levels.. :))]

Dear all , let me outline some of the prayoga with yantra.

With the charcoal taken from funeral pyre, draw the yantra on a copper plate or kanjira wood plank. Draw the shalkone and then use the juice of leaf of umma, mixed with tamarind and arithala and with that ink write on the chakra. The writing is as follows. On the center you write, hreem, on the shalkone, six six letters from the mantra. Encircling the madhyabeeja, write the saadhyanaama, karma (amuka stambhaya stambhaya), along with the yantranyaya. Do the prana pratishta on the yantra and tie it with a yellow thread completely. With the mud made of the potter’s clay wheel, make a small idol of ox and place this yantra concealed inside the stomach portion of the ox idol. With arithala, smear the entire ox idol. This ox idol is being worshiped with the mentioned mantra daily. Also one should chant this mantra for 108 times daily sitting near the ox. After the proper pooja for a few days (the number of days are omitted on purpose.. :)) ) , place this ox on the cremation ground. It will bring stambana to words, movements, intellect and all activities related to it to the chosen selected name of enemy.

If one perfected is using this yantra to be written on the cloth used to cover a dead body and writes the yantra on it with charcoal and do prana prathista to it with placing in the mouth of a frog, cover it deep with clothes and do pooja; after words keep in on cremation ground, its a stambhana for all enemies.

If there is a problem in a place with ethereal beings, the perfected one can write the yantra with the juice of aadalodaka leaf and do the prathista of yantra on the same land. Do the japa of the mantra for 10,000 nos and with this even the ethereal beings including lower order devas will be even stunned (stambhana).

With the root of forest grown type of cucumber plant, the perfected should chant the mantra for 108 times and drop it in water; it will cause stambana of water.

Any one who perfected the mantra and do perfect upasana of the yantra, the stambana of enemy activities, mobility and words are the voluntary results. As i mentioned earlier, Bagalamukhi is the devastambana and hence most of the karmas mentioned above and pertaining to the same. But the upasak will have all his wishes fullfiled by this manifestation of goddess saraswathi.

iti bagalamuki prayoga vidhanam samaptam |

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55.Bagalamukhi Sadhana

Bagalamukhi Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline the Bagalamukhi sadhana now.

Astra mantra : sleem pashu hum phal

Moola : Om hreem bagalamukhim sarwadushtaanaam vacham mukham vadam stambhaya jihwaam keelaya budhim vinaashaya hreem om swaha ( its a humble request that please do not recite even this moola :)) )

Anga :
1) Om hreem hridayaya nama:
2) bagalamukhi sirase swaha
3) sarwadushtaanaam shikayae vashal
4) vacham mukham vadam stambhaya kavachaya hum
5) jihwaam keelaya nethratrayaya vaushal
6) budhim vinaashaya hreem om swaha astraya phal

Chanda : narada rishi: brihathi chanda: bagalamukhi devatha :

Dhayana shloka

“sauvarnaasanasamsthitaam trinayanaam
hemaanbhaamgarucheem shashaankamakudaam
sambhipratheem bhushanaervyaathaamgeem bagalamukhim trijagathaam
samsthambhineem chindayaeth”

Pooja yantra : trikone , shalkone , astadala , shodashadala , bhupura

Peeta shakti , peeta samisti , peeta pooja as per baneshi sadhana

Moorthi kalpana : peeta shakti , moola , bagalamukhi moorthayae nama:

Upachara : Om hreem om nama:

Aavahana : as per bhuvaneshwari sadhana

Ayudha nyasa :
1) mudgaraya nama:
2) paashaya nama:
3) vajraaya nama:
4) rasanaayae nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) makudaya nama:
2) ardhachandraya nama:
3) champakamalaayae nama:
4) peethambaraya nama:
5) angadaadi sarwabhushanaebyo nama:
6) swarnasimhasanaaya nama:

Upahara : arkhyamidam , paadyamidam , achamaneeyamidam

Moorthi pooja : omitting on purpose.. :)

Dwastas to naivedya as all per bhuvaneshwari sadhana

iti bagalamukhi sadhana samaptham |

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54.Jayestalakshmi Sadhana

Jayestalakshmi Sadhana

Dear all, let me outline the Jyestalakshmi sadhana in the most common form. There are various mantrantara to this sadhana.

Astra : sahasrara hum phal

Moola : Om hroom nama: sarwaringaayae nama:

Anga :
1) hroom om hridayaya nama:
2) nam om sirase swaha
3) ma: om shikayae vashal
4) sam om kavachaya hum
5) vram om nethrathrayaya vaushal
6) rim om astrayaya phal
7) gaam om udaraaya nama:
8) yayaem im prushtaaya nama:

Chanda: kali rishi: , gayathri chanda: jyesta devatha:

Dhyana : omitted on purposes

Peeta shakthi : sreem nama:

Peeta samishti : sarwashakthikamalaasanaaya nama:

Peeta pooja : gurwati jnanatmaandae , krishnaadi navashakti , peeta samishti , with water do pooja from beginning to end

Moorti kalpana : peeta shakti , moola and jyestaa moorthayae nama:

Upachara :bhoorllakshmae vidhmahae bhuvaugrayae dheemahi tanno jyestaa prachodayaal (dear all , never use this gayatri without proper initiation :)) )

Aavahana : aavahana , mudras , vyapakas , lipinyaasas as per guru's adivice (omitting it here on purpose)

Ayudha nyasa :
1) abhayaaya nama:
2) katinyastakaraaya nama:

Bhushana nyasa :
1) bhujagayamithakeshaaya nama:
2) kumudachoodaya nama:
3) kundalaabhyaam nama:
4) jamkhaalambivastraaya nama:
5) sarwabhooshanaebhyo nama:

Upahaara : arkyamidam, padyamidam , aachamaneeyamidam

moorthi pooja : pranavatraya , upachara , moolatraya , moolakshara , anga , ayudha , bhushana , after angavarna
1) Om haum nama: sarwaloka hridayayae swaha nama:
2) Om hrum nama: atmatejasae swaha nama:
 3) Om hoonnamau dharmatejasae swaha nama:
4) Om khsuloom nama: sarwahaasaayae swaha nama:
5) Om kannama: paramaeshaayae swaaha nama: and indradi, vajraadi, dhruthyae nama: as nirmalyadhari , with water do pooja from beginning to end.

Dwastas: 1) chandinyae nama: 2) chandasenaya nama: naivedya remanining as per normal pooja and finish it.

iti jyestalakshmi sadhana samaaptam |

Jayestalakshmi Perfection

Dear all, I am not planning to elaborate the perfection because the sadhana is outlined as a explanation to Dhoomavathi sadhana. There are variants for Jayestalakshmi sadhana as I mentioned. The major points taken into considerations are

1) The Jyestalakshmi sadhana when perfected; lakshmi sadhana will be automatically perfected for them.

2) The moolaroopa; sribhagavathi sadhana is done only after Jayeshtalakshmi sadhana is peformed.  

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