Sunday 21 August 2016



Dear all, let me outline the way to prepare the Aghoraghritha.

Do a full ekadasarudraabhisheka in the shiva linga and collect the divine water did as offering. As per vidhana, perform the aghora mantra, 360 kuvla leaves and then do the pusha based archana. Use the necessary amount of leaves and grind it with the water collected from the offering and make it clarified and then mix it with ghee. Make it boil lightly and prepare it with reciting the aghora mantra. When it becomes of the right mix, then perform a 1000 times aghora mantra japa on it and clarify and prescribe it for persons who have epilepsy. The disease will be pacified.

But this has to be done by a sadhak who have perfected the mantra.

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