Sunday 21 August 2016

49.Vatukabhairava Siddhi

Vatukabhairava Siddhi

Dear all , there are various prayoga for vatukabhairava siddhi. But for the perfection , one aspirant has to do the following.

One has to do a japa of 21,00,000 times and then do homa with trimadhura with thila for 2,10,000 times and do pooja. One gets the perfection.

The prayoga for vatukabhairva deity is as follows. All this prayoga can be done by those who have got the perfection.

With the sugarcane with each piece broken and dipped in ghee, do a homa for 10,000 numbers. This is loka vashya.

If one use kairava flower in place of sugarcane, then the result is blessing of the family with a kid

if one uses thila and rice in place, then the result is abundance in wealth and grains.

If one uses the flower of kuvala, then the result is richness

if salt is crushed and mixed with tri madhura, then the women will be attracted to the one.

If pattochi chamatha is used for 21,000 times homa, then the place will be blessed with rain. If this chamata is used for 108 times homa daily, there will be no wealth and grains.

For three days, with honey do a 1000 times homa, every one will be attracted or partially under control.

The women who cannot bare children, if one pala vayamb being crushed and mixed with ghee, the mantra being infused 21,000 times to be given. After the ritu snana, the 48 days, same quantity equally the woman have to consume. When ritu period comes, stop it. When the necessary shuddha is achieved continue with it. After this process is over, the woman will be pregnant in the next ritukala and will give birth to a son. The beginning and the end of this should have a bali.

The bali can be satwic or rajasic. In satwic system, the bali is done with trimadhura mixed with payasa made of special dal. For rajasic, its blood and flesh.

iti vatukabhairva prayoga vidhana samaptam |

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