Friday 26 August 2016

Agṇi — Regent of the South-east

Agṇi — Regent of the South-east  

Agṇi was the most important god of the Rig Veda, the mediator between humans and gods and the protector of men and their homes. Esoterically he represents divine illumination.

The science of fire is the key to all knowledge. The discovery of fire led to the creation of laws, rules and discipline — civilization stems from the correct use of fire.

In the Viṣṇu Purāṇa Agṇi is the firstborn son of Brahmā. In the human world Agṇi ’s father was Dharma (eternal-law) and his mother Vasubhārya (Daughter-of-light). His sister is Medhā (intelligence).

He was married to Svāhā (invocation-at-offering) and by her has 3 sons Pāvaka (Purifier), Pāvamāna (purifying) and Śuci (Purity). His second wife is said to be Svadhā — the invocation of the ancestors.

He is shown having 3 faces — representing the 3 Vedic fires Āhavanīya, Dakṣiṇā and Gārhapatya agṇi.


His standard is smoke (Dhūma- ketu) and he rides on a ram (Chāga) one of the main sacrificial animals which also represents leadership and aggression.

He carries a:—

Javelin (Tomara) — same symbolism as a spear — mental focus on the goal

Lotus (Abja) — enlightenment and purity

Axe (Paraśu) — severing the bonds of attachment

Torch (ulkā) — kindling of the fire or enthusiasm for the dharma and enlightenment

Fan (vyañjana) — fanning the spark of knowledge

Oblation spoon (sruk) — converting all action into service of the divine.

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