Wednesday 17 August 2016

15.Tara Ma

Tara Ma

Dear all , with the concept of Adya Ma being explained in brief, lets move ahead to the eligibility and base needed to reach a stage for invoking her. As I said every ritual is essentially used for creating and increasing the mantrika mandala. So this ritual (Tara Panchakshari) will make the anchorite to communicate with the deity as the first step.

Now after the successful completion of this pooja, the sadhak has to make the Tara Yantra and then start worshiping it. As I mentioned earlier, there are specific numbers of worship to attain the mantra siddhi. This is applicable to the person who uses his body as the yantra or an external yantra. The body here is not used as the yantra because, the sadhak has to master various rituals and hence the single body will not be enough to be used as the yantra for various deities.

Now let’s move into the visualizations of Tara Ma and the variants of her mantras based on tantra.
The visualizations are done linking to the color of the ma's skin. This is strictly tantric and not an Aghoric view. The visualizations are as follows:

For Vashya - Blood red colored
For Stambhana - Golden colored
For Marana - Black colored
For Uchadana - Smokey colored
For Shanthi - White colored

This visualizations are based on the five types of mantra prayogas. For an aghori, he will invoke Ma in various color forms with the following sankalpas.

For Vashya - let the kundalini in me be under attraction and ascent to meet with lord shiva in crown chakra

For Stambhana - let the thoughts in me; unstable be stopped or made still

For Marana - let the five senses in me be destroyed with in return provide me with subtle understanding.

For Uchadana - let the thoughts and sensations stilled which are not of any good for my sadhana be warded off from me.

For Shanti - let the ever pervading and benevolent Ma gives peace and prosperity to every being animate and inanimate around me.

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