Tuesday 16 August 2016

9.kula - akula - cakra and understand the relevance of sanskrit

kula - akula - cakra and understand the relevance of sanskrit

Now lets look into the kula - akula - cakra and understand the relevance of Sanskrit. A lot of people here may disagree on making the secret doctrines public. But i feel same alike of what mentioned in Mahanirvana tantra; in kali yuga, tantra should be discussed and disclosed openly for people. but still the success depends on finding a competent guru. so i will still remove a few minor details which will make the reader just one person who is aware of this and not a sadhak :).

Kula- Akula-cakra categories syllables based on the five elements. the categories are wind(air),  fire, earth, water and ether. The syllables are respectively allotted to the various categories and respective intonations. The Kula-Akula-Cakra is as follows

Wind - a, a( strong pronounce) , e , ka , ca, ta ( stress on t) , ta , pa , ya , sa ( stress on s)

fire - i , i ( strong pronounce ), ai , kha , cha , tha ( stress on t) , tha , pha , ra , ksa ( not a strict letter in Sanskrit , but serves as a substitute for anusvara )

earth - u, u (strong pronounce) , o , ga , ja , da ( stress on t d) , da , ba , la , la( gap filler to that left as an omission of visarga)

water - r (strong pronounce) , r ( double emphasis) , au , gha, jha, dha ( stress on d) , dha , bha , va , sa

Ether - I (strong pronounce) , I ( emphasis and strong pronounce) , am ( stress on m) , na ( stress on n), na , na (emphasis on n) , na, ma , sa ( mild on s), ha

Every disciple based on the nature of him/her is given a syllable and hence its become his/her practice to maximize the effect with the deity and understand the subtle relevance of the other beejas. Just like all aghori's , we consider Kula as mild and not so fast and not superior :)) and also less intense than aghora. Let them believe they are superior forgetting the fact that nothing is superior or inferior in the eyes of the lord.

every disciple is given a beej mantra based on his or her tenacity and temperament by the guru. every beeja has a diety , a tatwa like fire , earth , water etc and also a mandala ( space). every element in the pancha bhuta are related and are ordered based on the level of existence. so gaining control over the various elements and the respective siddhis and overpowering them in essential self is the next step. :))

now the recital of mantra will activate a specific nadi. in every mantric discipline , we recite a mantra after the necessary pranayama. for each mantra we do an anustana. such like three anustanas form a purushacharana. with the purushacharana and the necessary percentages ( which i do not want to mention) will be done as marjara , tarpana and homa. after this , the person will obtain the siddhi. so whats the mantrika mandala?

the mantrika mandala is the space thus one create with the nadi's activated and controlled and use one's body to habitat the respective energy. this energy can be released for various purposes or amplify it using various sadhanas. this is the base for the tricks which people do in black magic even. but our goal is higher , we are here to realize our self in aghora.

Now the specific mantra on proper initiation and proper practice will make the person completely aware of the tatwa. most master gives a mantra for a satwic mind pertaining to akasha mandala. for a rajasic mind , its good to give a agni mandala mantra and for a tamasic mind a water mandala mantra. since earth is so stable , people wont try to control it directly as it make time of years to lifetimes.

the beauty of gaining control over the higher mandala like akasha is that , the aspirant with a little effort can control the other lower elements like fire and water. since the akasha mandala is attached to the agna chakra and the syallable OM is attributed to it, i would like to tell that , this is the prime reason why OM is the most widely used mantra in our times.

Purifying thus the subtle levels of existence and energizing to the threshold will decide the success of external sadhanas . the rise of mantrika mandala will eventually make the various chakras accessible to the adept. Most of the "softer paths" always recommend the chakras and thereby kundalini activated slowly. But when an aghori increases his mantrika mandala to a certain level he focuses that energy so intense to the various energy centers and make them activated. this comes with tremendous bodily responses.There can be loss of appetite for days, cannot withstand the body heat etc etc But as i mentioned earlier , aghora is about do or die doctrine. But this is always the last stage for any discipline.

Now lets discuss on the external sadhanas a little bit as an introduction. aghori sadhanas are basically routed to athavana veda and tantric sects. but its refined and more focused on non material aspects. just like a normal tantric ritual in essential self or a abhicarini in the realms of atharvana veda , the results obtained are used for ascent higher in terms of material realms. aghori's do not believe in perfections or siddhi's , for them its just a road block to progress. so transmute such material gains into spiritual gains is what aghori's do when they perform external rituals.

when i am outlining the concept of each sadhana , i will mention separately what a normal tantirc or vedi will demand or bestowed upon with (basically kamya rites) and what an aghori asks for or command for as the blessing.

So all that matters here is what an aghori demands and what a tantric demands? 

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