Tuesday 16 August 2016

6.Initiation into Aghora as a Disciple

Initiation into Aghora as a Disciple

Dear all, the topics which we have discussed so far are preliminaries pertaining to bhuta shuddi. Although there are practices to do to achieve this, the secrecy of tantric doctrine has to be maintained. But the further topics here will be a little bit more elaborate, but still be devoid of intricate details pertaining to practices.

The initiation ceremony happens in aghora only after the bhuta shuddi. The ceremony happens in a cremation ground on a special day based on the strength of the lunar energy. Eclipses are also considered as an auspicious day, but instead of selecting a random day, the presence of the various planets (jyothish) as per the prasna or the astrological positions of planets in kundali.

The temperament for learning aghora is determined by the positions of various planets prior to even making a disciple embark on bhuta shuddi. So now it’s all about when the ritual should be conducted.

On the predetermined day, between midnight and three in the morning, the aspirant and the aghori reach the cremation ground. The first step is to protect the aspirant from any responses from ethereal beings when invoked by the aghori. So he makes the necessary protection enchantments and then draws a kilana (the bounded space) inside with the disciple sits.

As you all know, the root of aghora sadhanas is on the cosmic force, the goddess in the "ugra" (cogent and potent) form. Various people call these manifestations as tara, bagalamukhi, chinna masta etc.
Depends on the aghori, he/she will invoke the goddess basically with a shava (corpse) sadhana. This sadhana needs a new corpse preferably of a man or woman of young age, died of non natural causes. The corpse has to be naked and positioned and has to be filled in its mouth with various elements (details will not be mentioned) and then the aghori sits on it in a particular direction, wearing the yantra of the goddess he worships and will invoke the goddess with the mantra. The offering to the goddess is meat and liquor which denotes the elements of air and fire respectively.

Depending on the reach of the aghori, the goddess manifests from any form - beast to non visual realms. There are specific indications to understand the success of the sadhana. After all, the aspiring disciple is just a spectator to this event. On successful completion of the sadhana, with the power invoked of the goddess in the essential elemental form of fire and air and subtle levels, the aghori gives the disciple a mantra, and infuses it to the various realm( realms purified by bhuta shuddi). This happens in presence of the funeral pyre of the corpse used for shava sadhana.

The disciple receives the mantra and then an yantra for worship and will commit to a few oaths. this is one of the most common way of initiation.

The disciple will be asked the next morning after his sleep about any dreams and the aghori will interpret the dreams and thus determine whether the subtle level infusion of the mantra was successful or not and there by the initiation.

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