Wednesday 17 August 2016

14.Adya Ma

Adya Ma

Dear all, so let me write about Ma Adya. Ma Adya as I mentioned earlier is eternal. She is regarded as the cosmic force which set the creation happen. She is that power which brings in the transformations in both the individualistic and gross level (microcosmic and macrocosmic levels).

She is the creator and the destroyer at the same time. Since she is not remembered as separate from oneself in supreme bliss by any being in the beginning of life (that means at birth), the next place we can find her is the place of death, where the funeral pyres are burning.

She manifests there as Smashan Tara for the individuals to perceive her; as her limitless scope is beyond the reach. She is the goddess of death along with her consort the Mahakala, who is the executioner.

The very concept of the world, its codes of creation, the growth and evolution are all manifested from Shiva who is the medium, the basis of material existence and the tatwas in various planes. But without the force or shakthi, this cosmic cycle of actions and reactions and in simple words activity does not exist. So Adya is the shakthi of transformation.

At first there is Adya, the force from which then formed by divine condensation; the cosmic consciousness – A complete set of all activities in totality without attributes. :)).
dear all, divine condensation is a word used to mention a concept, the concept by which that form of shakthi which is independent of space and time has started obeying or defining space. Thus cosmic consciousness is formed; The all space defining and pervading form of Adya Ma , but independent of time. And Adya Ma is becoming subtler and subtler here within this thus formed the Shiva and Vishnu, two names for the same aspect :)).

This cosmic consciousness then started manifesting in various combinations and levels of existence with the plan of the shakthi and in her presence under the design of lord Vishnu.

Dear all, with the grand design from lord Vishnu, the various creations are ideologically manifested as a dream on his cosmic sleep which gets carried forward to lord brahma, the one sitting on the lotus of lord vishnu's, agni chakra, the centre for assimilation and absorption. :)

Now Adya Ma will start residing in the individual levels as kundalini in all beings. She lies dormant and also identifies with the body and will not recognize the potential of herself or the individual to the reality. The various animate and inanimate objects in the world thus started interacting together based on the grand design and will repeat the cycles of birth and death.

In Aghora, the reason for all this to begin is the necessity to maintain a dynamic equilibrium. Shakthi if exists only as Adya Ma is complete and hence dynamic. But if there are no activities for the ever pervading shakthi, the expansion of it in infinite space makes it less effective or reachable to the minute levels. So a dynamic existence also has to be defined by defining space then contracting space and then limiting space and then design consciousness as the scope of actions and activities.

This is how all begins and ends and begins again and ends once again and goes on. I am not at liberty to explain the time space coordinates that’s being defined with the limitless consciousness. I do not have the permission to speak about the cycle of jeeva and the composition of it in various animate and inanimate objects. My humble apologies for the same. :)
But when the state of aghori is reached, this will be manifested to oneself especially the future. But the past of what happened including previous births can even be known to an anchorite. The easiest way is to use a Karnapisachini sadhana which I will outline in due course of time. :). She will tell you everything on your ear.

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