Tuesday 16 August 2016

7.Initiation into Aghora as a Disciple - Continued

Initiation into Aghora as a Disciple - Continued

The initiated disciple has more tests to face than any one who is in any other discipline. the twofold approach of aghora are 1) rituals with the master and mastering them and 2) develop and identify the powers of a mantra sharira and mantrika mandala.
The rituals of various nature are done along with the guru. The first stage of rituals is to control over the lower ethereal beings. There are classifications of these ethereal beings based on the ages and the level the spirits existence. For the proper understanding of this realm, the guru has to guide you through the various sadhanas as per atharvana veda to achieve the results and understanding.

The internal mantra sharira is recognized by the help of one seed syllable the guru bestows upon the disciple. One such seed on perfection open doors to the infinite realms of understanding. It is like entry pass to the whole different universe.

There are a lot many people who asked me a question why Sanskrit is called language of Gods. For that to be explained correctly we need to go to the deeper levels of understanding of our existence which will be outlined soon.

As I mentioned in the previous posts, we have outlined a lot many generic outlooks on purifying the agni and vayu.These were processes which will give you both the physical and subtle level shuddhi. But only cleaning the deeper levels will not result in complete progress.

Just like the metal which is purified in fire in presence of air, the body is now ready to be energized and finally invoke the manifestations and also one's own divinity. The process of invoking the external manifestations include external rituals which has specific mantras, yantras and tantras required. My humble plan is to outline the sadhanas of

1) various forms of goddesses like tara , chinna masta , bagalamukhi , varthali , prathyangira (atharvana bhadrakali)

The whole rituals right from the nyasas and the mantras for it also along with the various upachara and acharas will be mentioned. Also how the yantras to be drawn and the articles to be offered to the fire will also be mentioned. But I will remove one seed syllable and one detail from the entire sadhana, so that the reader here cannot practice it. :). This whole posts is for understanding not for practices.

2) the yakshini , kinnari , gandarva , apsara sadhanas
3) the shaiva sadhanas except mahakala sadhana and
4) the sadhanas for various lower level ethereal beings like karnapishhachini.

All these sadhanas will connect the cosmic existence of the manifestations and also the internal existence of the manifestations in subtle realms. But the internal realms have to be strengthened and properly perceived before one attempting the sadhanas alone.

I thought of giving an index to the external sadhanas before proceeding with mantra sharira. The next post will be on mantra sharira.

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