Tuesday 16 August 2016

8.Mantra Sharira

Mantra Sharira

The awareness of the existence of a mantra sharira can be achieved from various literature. But to have one of your own requires constant and rigorous practice. Lets be back to the original question of the divinity of sanskrit. Lets take our attention to the various chakras in the sublte body. Most literature speaks of the basic beeja mantras for the chakras as LAM , VAM , RAM ,YAM , HAM , OM in the order from mooladhara to agna respectively. But when we carefully analyze the various petals we can find that there are inscriptions of various letters in it too. the various letters associated with various chakras and number of petals are as follows

1) Mooladhara - 4 - vam , sham , ssham , sam
2) Swadhistana - 6 - bam , bham ,mam , yam , ram , lam
3) Manipuraka - 10 - pham , dam , dham , nam , tam ,tham, ddam , dham , nam , pam
4) Anahatha - 12 - kam , kham , gam ,gham,ngam, cham ,chham ,jam ,jham, nyam, tam, tham
5) vishuddhi - 16 - am , aam , im , eem ,um , oom, rim ,reem, lrim, lreem , em ,aim , om, aum , am , ah
6) agna - 2 - ham , ksham.

Now you can find that the letters of the alphabets are present even with certain repetitions in the main centers. the repetitions of letters are just for establishing the progressive connection of one energy center to another energy center.
Lets take individual letters. every letter has a bindu and a physical representation. this bindu adds energy to the ordinary letter. based on the nature of the underlying letter , the nature of the diety representing the beeja also varies.

For eg lets take the agna chakra . it has two petals with inscriptions of ham on the left petal and ksham on the right petal. the beeja for cosmic akasha and the shakti together here into oneness. thus every chakra with the sanskrit syllables with bindu can be interpreted and used for various purposes in accordance with the respective deities.

Now lets look on the kula- akula -cakra and the interpretation of sanskrit and mantra sharira in next post.

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