Monday 15 August 2016

3.Aghora - Beginning Stages

Aghora - Beginning Stages

The basic notion of accepting Jagat Sat Brahman Sat will make the importance of the sthula sharira; physical body more prominent. Aghora also demands a few preliminary steps to be taken before entering into the sadhanas. Since the jagat or this world is also considered as a reality, the instrument which binds the human being, the body is to be made conducive for progress.

For the purpose of the same, the composition of the body is to be carefully understood. Just like everybody knows the body is made up of the five elements. Each element should be purified. But most of the times, the matter that is overlooked is the much rooted ayurvedic concepts on tridoshas (vata , pitha , kabha) . So a human being whose state of comfortable life in this world is decided by the balancing of the tri doshas; the nature of the stula based on the doshas should be identified and balanced , then the person can enter into the purification of the five elements , the bhuta shuddhi.

The key aspect one should understand is every ritual whether it’s internal or external, vedic or tantrik is keen on emphasizing the five elements or even their purification. Even a small puja held in the households represents the five elements starting from the fire which is symbolically represented by a lamp to flowers which is the representation of ether.

As the preparatory step for aghora, one should first understand the key concept called prana. Prana alternatively called the vital force keeps the physical body functioning. The moment the flow of prana stops or the prana exits the realms of physical body, the state of death happens. Prana can be acquired from all the five elemental sources based on the stage of progress of the sadhak. But for the beginner, the prana is being derived basically out of food.

The association of prana with food needs careful observation. If we fail to understand the implications we will still remain rooted to the limited level of existence than liberation.

The sources of prana which is primarily limited to food for the human being; in the beginning of spiritual plan; should be carefully scrutinized. Although aghora as a system does not distinguish which food to eat, till a certain level of control is achieved over body metabolism, a vegetarian diet is to be adhered to.

Most of the texts recommend up to the level as to why a vegetarian diet is to be taken that too on to basic level of understanding but a generic interpretation do not prepare one self for any further levels. So analyze one self carefully. What are the natures of your emotional and physical behaviors? Eg can be are you rest less person? Do you tend to increase weight with limited consumption of food? Etc. A so called healthy person who cannot sit idle and whose mind is very fluctuating is a clear example of having a vata intensified stage. Based on the nature of the body, there are foods which can be consumed to balance the dosha. For eg sweet foods help to control vata. Even the dietary timings can also be fixed to control a dosha.

There is plenty of literature available in print media for this as natural health, perfect health etc. but the essential understanding anyone should have is that, this is just preliminary requisite. Every vegetable or way of preparation affects the system.

This post looks like very health oriented, but i would love to say that a proper identification of body type, arranging the food habits and live with the food habits for 3 months can be really helpful in making a good start.

lets make the physical body to the level at which we can work on; understanding the assimilation of food more effectively, understand the various types of fires that exist and then thereby accelerate across to more subtle levels.

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