Tuesday 30 August 2016

Orientation of Icons

Orientation of Icons

The standing and seated icons are orientated either facing the east or the west.

The sayana bera (reclining) can face any of the four cardinal points, if facing North then the head is to the East, if facing South-the head is to the West.

If facing East or West then the head is to the South. Depending on the direction of the head of the Icon differing results are obtained:

East Shantidam (peace)             West  pushtidam (vigour)

South  jayadam (victory)            North  abhicarikam (depredation)

The Ugra-rūpa can only be established in the North-east of the settlement where it will give prosperity and happiness, the incorrect establishing of the Ugra-rūpa in a town or village leads to the following results:

In the East destruction of village
In the south-east destruction of the settlement
In the South degradation of the womenfolk
In the South-west population will be decreased through disease
In the west bad conduct, depression and mental anguish
In the north-west delinquency amongst the populace
In the north various types of afflictions.

Narasimha — usually the yoga form — is always set up to the west of the main sanctorum, even in Śiva temples.



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