Monday 29 August 2016

Tripura-Sundari (Tripura Sundarī )— the beauty-of-the three-realms, Perfection.

Tripura Sundari/ Lalita (Tripura Sundarī /Lalitā )— the beauty-of-the three-realms, Perfection  

“I salute the auspicious goddess who shines like the orb of an infant sun, has four arms and three eyes, and holds a noose, an elephant hook, an arrow, and a bow.” (Ṣoḍaśī Tantra)

The number used to represent the totality of perfection is 16:

In human beings sixteen years represent the age of accomplished perfection, after which decline sets in — it is the age of the fullness of vigour and libido.

There are fifteen days (tithis) in the complete lunar cycle from the new moon to the full moon. The 15 day is either the full moon or the new moon. 16 therefore represents that which is full within time and yet beyond time.

The Girl-of-Sixteen (Ṣoḍaśī) rules over all that is perfect, complete, beautiful.

After dawn, after the hour of the Star (Tārā), comes the hour of perfection. The young sun has risen in its fullness; the sun is the source of all life on this planet and is numerologically connected with the number 5 and with the five elements and is represented by the five-faced Śiva.

Just after dawn its fierceness has not yet appeared. It seems gentle, bright, auspicious (Śiva). In the morning sun men worship the Progenitor, the principle that gives life to the three worlds and to all the mortals and immortals.

The Girl-of-Sixteen, the power of Śiva as the ruler of the three worlds, is, according to the Ṣoḍaśī Tantra, identified with the Beauty-of-the-Three-Cities (Tripura-Sundarī), said to be the light radiating from the three eyes of Śiva to illumine the worlds. Hence she is “the Girl-of-Sixteen in whom the three forms of light unite.”

She is also known as Lalitā. The wise say:

“The word Lalitā has eight meanings, namely brilliance, manifestation, sweetness, depth, fixity, energy, grace and generosity; are the eight human qualities.”

The Kāma-Shastra says: — Lalitā means erotic actions and also tenderness; as she has all the above- mentioned qualities she is called Lalitā.

It is said also: “Thou art rightly called Lalitā for thou hast nine divine attendants [in the Śrī Cakra,] and your bow is made of sugar- cane, your arrows are flowers, and everything connected with you is lovely (commentary on Lalitā Sahasranāma).

Indra, the wielder of the thunderbolt, is a solar aspect of Śiva, hence he is sometimes identified with the Girl- of-Sixteen. “Indra is Ṣoḍaśī” (Śatapatha Brāhmaṇa )

As a form of the eternal night, Ṣoḍaśī is the Divine-Night (Divya-Rātri), the night of perfection.

Ṣoḍaśī Sadhana -

Ṣoḍaśī Sadhana is done for pleasure as well as for liberation. Tripura Sundarī Sadhana provides strength to control body, mind and emotions.

Ṣoḍaśī Sadhana is also done for family pleasure, favourable life partner and potency.

Ṣoḍaśī Moola Mantra -

ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं त्रिपुर सुंदरीयै नमः॥
Oṁ Aiṁ Hrīṁ Śrīṁ Tripura Suṁdarīyai Namaḥ॥

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