Monday 29 August 2016

Bhairavi (Bhairavī) - the Fearful Goddess, the Power of Death.

Bhairavi (Bhairavī) - the Fearful Goddess, the Power of Death.

“Softly smiling, you shine with a crimson glow that may be compared to a thousand newly risen suns. You wear a silken veil and a garland of skulls. Blood smears your breast. Three voluptuous eyes adorn your lotus face; the moon is your diadem. Your lotus hands show the gestures of victory, of wisdom, the granting of boons, and the allaying of fear.” (Tripura-Bhairavī Tantra.)

Chinnamastā represents the end of things, the spectacular moment when the victim is sacrificed, beheaded; life, existence, comes to an abrupt end.

But this sudden end is only the culmination of a process that began long before. Destruction begins from the very first moment of existence. Death is the ever present reality operating in everything. This aspect of death is called the “perpetual-destruction” (nitya-pralaya).

The southern direction is dedicated to Yama, the God of death the southern fire (dakshiṇā agṇi) is the fire of destruction. The north is dedicated to Soma, the “essence of life,” of love (sneha tattva), the nourishing ambrosia of immortality.

In Śaiva theology the Southern-Image (Dakṣiṇā- mūrti) or the Time-of-the-Fearful (Kala-Bhairava) is associated with the South. The Shakti of death and destruction is the Fearful-Goddess, Bhairavī, also called the Fearful- Goddess-of-the-Three-Cities (Tripura-Bhairavī).

All that the lady-of- the-spheres (Bhuvaneśvarī) preserves and nurtures, the Fearful Goddess relentlessly destroys. She is the Tangible-Demoness (Apara- Dakini), always our constant companion lurking nearby.

Bhairavī’s presence is found in self-destructive habits that we possess — eating tāmasic food, alcohol, smoking, drugs etc. She is further strengthened by the destructive emotions like anger, jealousy, hatred, resentment etc.

Bhairavī Sadhana -

Bhairavī Sadhana is done to get rid of bad spirits and physical weaknesses. She is also worshipped for getting a beautiful spouse, for a successful love marriage and early marriage.

Bhairavī Moola Mantra -

ॐ ह्रीं भैरवी कलौं ह्रीं स्वाहा॥
Oṁ Hrīṁ Bhairavī Kalauṁ Hrīṁ Svāhā॥

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