Tuesday 30 August 2016

Kamala (Kamalā) — The Lotus-Goddess, the Power of Wealth

Kamala (Kamalā) — The Lotus-Goddess, the Power of Wealth 

“With a golden complexion, bathed in the stream of ambrosia flowing from golden vessels held by the trunks of four white elephants, she looks like the abode of snow, the Himalaya.

Her hands grant boons, allay fear, and hold two lotuses. She has a brilliant diadem. Her hips, like ripe fruits, are loosely draped in a silken garment. We bow to her who stands upon a lotus.” (Kamalā Tantra)

When Everlasting-Śiva (Sadā-Śiva) takes over the function of Vishnu and sustains the world then Kamalā becomes his consort.

She is the embodiment of all that is materially and spiritually desirable, the exact counterpart of the Smoky-One (Dhūmāvatī). The signs of the zodiac associated with these 2 goddesses are in opposition:

Kamalā rules over the auspicious nakṣatra Rohiṇī in Taurus, giver of wealth, while Dhūmāvatī rules over the nakṣatra Jyeṣṭhā in the sign Scorpio which brings poverty.

Kamalā is the power inherent in prosperity as the energy of preservation she represents the potential for universal well-being that can only be accomplished through the correct utilisation of wealth.

She is the only one of the goddesses who is totally benevolent and compassionate.

In fact coming last in the list of Maha-vidyās she represents the “normative” state of what most people are comfortable; with Kālī is that which is least comforting.

Kamalā represents material well-being, comfort, the familiar.

As the preserving energy she bestows stability and security —she represents the very state of mind which contributes to further continuity in Samsāra whereas Kālī represents the Liberating force. Kamalā consciousness is what one seeks to restrain, overcome and finally transcend.

The aspect of the eternal night corresponding to Kamalā bears the same name, Maha-rātri, as the night of Kālī but is interpreted to mean the Night of Splendour.

Kamala Sadhana -

Goddess Kamala Sadhana is performed to gain wealth and prosperity.

Kamala Moola Mantra -

ॐ ह्रीं अष्ट महालक्ष्म्यै नमः॥
Oṁ Hrīṁ Aṣṭa Mahālakṣmyai Namaḥ॥

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