Tuesday 30 August 2016

Iconometry — Measurement of Icons

Iconometry — Measurement of Icons

Dhruva Bera:

The height of the Dhruva-bera varies. It is either taken in proportion to the temple super structure or the temple measurements are taken from the dhruva-bera.

Example 1

The whole Icon consists of three parts; 2 parts are the Icon proper and 1 part is the pedestal. Multiply the whole length of the Icon by 4 and divide by 8. One 8th is the width of the doorway into the sanctum.

Example 2

The whole length of the Icon including pedestal should be 7/ 8ths of the height of the doorway (i.e. height + 7 x 8 = doorway). If the Icon is made 2 meters in height then the following measurements are calculated:

doorway = 2 .28 mtrs high x 1.14 mtrs in width.
Sanctum = 4.57 mtrs square
Vimana = 9.14 mtrs high
Mandapa = 9.14 mtrs wide
Plinth = 3 mtrs high

Proportional measurement of Karma Bimbas

mūla-bimba samucchrāyāṃ dvidhā vāpi tridhāpi va |
caturdhā vā saṃvibhajya eka bhāgena kalpayet ||
utsavārcāṃ tad ucchrāyāṃ dvidhā vāpi tridhāpi vā |
caturdhā vā vibhajya eka bhāgena parikalpayet ||

īśvara Samhita 17; 242, 243.

The karma-bimbas should be either a quarter, a third or half of the height of the mūla-bimba.



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