Monday 15 August 2016

2.Philosophy of Aghora

Philosophy of Aghora

The philosophy of aghora as mentioned is more devoid of unreal worldly pleasures. The real heart of this philosophy is the true love for "Ma" - the cosmic shakthi. Aghori loves everything with the same intensity like his/her love for Ma. It is like unconditional love to all beings equally as he/she sees the world as the manifestation of the cosmic shakthi. Nothing is pure or impure for an aghori. Every things around him is Ma in some form or other and he passionately embraces it.

The preliminary state of an aghori mind is to accept the fact of death during his life itself. For him as i said, everything around him is dead already or dying. The only sure event any animate and inanimate object can have is death. So when the death is accepted during life, the senses have no meaning. A dead man is neither hungry nor have any preferences of where to stay. But voluntary way of losing the body with hunger is also not acceptable for two reasons:

As the body came into being without one's consent and
Aghori's sole purpose of life is to return to the source and without emptying the karma he does not want to lose the medium to suffer.
so now whats the easy way? Use the preliminary logics from tantra and do extreme sadhana out of it.
Dear all, tantra relies on the purification on the five elements which composes the body. With the purification of the physical body, we can concentrate on increasing the subtle awareness and there by charging the sukshma sharira or subtle existence. This will result in access to the karana sharira, the causative body who is the accountant of all karmas and thereby births.

Aghori does not believe in rules. He just goes on the preparatory phase like the tantrics and then resolve to absolutely impossible ways of charging the sukshma chakra. Here the sadhanas are more or like a do or die scenario. If the adept who is in the aghora path makes a mistake, he can even lose his life. 

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