Friday 26 August 2016

Jupiter - Guru or Brihaspati

Jupiter  - Guru or Brihaspati
Bṛhaspati — "lord of prayer or devotion", also known as Deva-guru (guru of the gods), is considered the personification of piety and religion, and the chief 'offerer of prayers and sacrifices to the gods' (purohita), with whom he intercedes on behalf of humankind.

He is the arch-nemesis of Śukrācārya the guru of the Dānavas (anti-gods) He is also the god of wisdom and eloquence, to whom various works are ascribed, such as the Barhaspatya sutras.

Bṛhaspati is the son of Rishi Aṅgiras and has three wives:

His first wife Śubha gave birth to Bhānumatī, Rākā, Arciṣmati, Mahāmati, Māhīṣmatī, Sīnivali, and Haviṣmati, his seven daughters. His second wife Tārā gives birth to seven sons and a daughter. Through his third wife Mamatā, he has two sons, Kacha and Bhāradvāja.

He attained his position as the preceptor of the Devas, by performing penances. Lord Shiva granted him this position, as well as his position as one of the Navagrahas (Nine Planets).

Bṛhaspati is considered to be the greatest benefit of any of the planets: it indicates vastness, growth and expansion in a person’s horoscope and life. Bṛhaspati also represents the balance of past karma, religion, philosophy, knowledge and issues relating to offspring.

He is concerned with education, teaching and the dispensation of knowledge. He displays the Varadā-mudra and carries the water-pot (Kamaṇḍalu) rosary (Akṣamālā) and a stick (daṇḍa).

The gemstone of Jupiter is the yellow sapphire. The Jupiter rules number 3 in Indian numerology.

Bṛhaspati – Jupiter bīja mantra:

ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रों सः गुरवे नमः

oṁ grāṁ grīṁ groṁ saḥ gurave namaḥ

Vedic mantra for Bṛhaspati:

देवानां च ऋषिणां च गुरुं काञ्चनसन्निभम् बुद्धिभूतं त्रिलोकेशं तं नमामि बृहस्पतिम्

devānāṁ ca ṛṣiṇāṁ ca guruṁ kāñcanasannibham
buddhibhūtaṁ trilokeśaṁ taṁ namāmi bṛhaspatim

I bow to Brihaspati (Jupiter) whos is the teacher of Gods and Sages, who is resplendent and lustrous as burnished gold, who is endowed with a lot of wisdom and the lord of wisdom for the three worlds.

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