Friday 26 August 2016

Mars - Kuja or Mangala

Mars - Kuja or Mangala
Once when Lord Śiva was immersed in deep meditation (samādhi) at his abode, Mount Kailāśa, three drops of perspiration originated from his forehead and fell down on the earth. From those drops manifested a very beautiful infant, who was of reddish complexion and who had four arms.

Lord Śiva handed the child over to the earth goddess, Bhūmi for upbringing and he was thus named Bhauma as he was nurtured and brought up by 'Bhūmi' (earth).

When Bhauma grew up, he went to Kāśī and did a tremendous penance to please lord Śiva who blessed him by granting him the status of a Graha and appointed him to rule 'Mangala loka' (the Abode of Auspiciousness), which was superior even to the 'Śukra loka' (the Abode of the god of Venus — Śukra).

His weapons are the mace (gadā), trident (Śūla) and śakti and he displays the Abhayā mudra. His vehicle is the Ram representing leadership and being head-strong.

Mangala is considered a malefic of the first order. He rules over the signs Mesha (Aries) and Vriśchika (Scorpio), is exalted in Makara (Capricorn) and has his fall in Karka (Cancer).

Mangala represents drive and physical energy, aspiration, self- confidence and ego, strength, anger, impulsiveness, heroism and adventurous nature. As the God of War he is associated with battle, war and soldiers.

The gemstone of Mars is Coral. Mars rules number 9 in Indian numerology.

Mangala - Mars bīja mantra:

ॐ क्रां क्रीं क्रों सः भौमाय नमः

oṁ krāṁ krīṁ kroṁ saḥ bhaumāya namaḥ

Vedic mantra for Mangala:

धरणीगर्भसम्भूतं विद्युत्कान्तिसमप्रभम् कुमारं शक्तिहस्तं तं मंगलं प्रणमाम्यहम्

dharaṇīgarbhasambhūtaṁ vidyutkāntisamaprabham
kumāraṁ śaktihastaṁ taṁ maṁgalaṁ praṇamāmyaham

I bow to Lord Mangala (Mars) , who is the son of mother earth, who is shining like lightning, who bears a spear and who is kumara , full of power and energy.

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