Friday 26 August 2016

Moon - Chandra or Soma

 Moon - Chandra or Soma
Chandra is said to be the son of Prabhākra (the Sun). He is also identified with the Vedic SOMA. Soma = Amṛta the nectar of immortality which alludes to the nourishing, nurturing and invigorating influence of the Moon on all life forms.

He was married to the 27 daughters of Dakṣa Prajāpati which represent the 27 lunar mansions known as Nakṣattras — his favourite wife being Rohiṇī. He seduced the wife of Brihaspati named Tārā and had by her a son — Budha.

He is described as young, beautiful, fair; two- armed and having in his hands a club and a displaying the Varadā mudra, or holding 2 white lotuses.

He rides in a chariot pulled by ten white horses or sometimes just an antelope. The 10 horses represent the 10 iṅdriyas (organs of action of organs of knowledge) and the 3 wheels of the chariot represent the 3 Guṇas.

The gemstone related to Moon is pearl, and its metal is silver. Moon rules number 2 in Indian numerology.

Chandra - Moon bīja mantra:

ॐ श्रां श्रीं श्रों सः चन्द्राय नमः

oṁ śrāṁ śrīṁ śroṁ saḥ candrāya namaḥ

Vedic mantra for Chandra:

दधिशंखतुषाराभं क्षीरोदार्णवसम्भवम् नमामि शशिनं सोमं शम्भोर्मुकुटभूषणम्

dadhiśaṁkhatuṣārābhaṁ kṣīrodārṇavasambhavam
namāmi śaśinaṁ somaṁ śambhormukuṭabhūṣaṇam

I bow to Lord Soma (Moon) who is white like curds – shell and dew, who is born in the milky ocean, who is the jewel on the crown of Lord Shiva and who is the form of nectar.

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