Thursday 18 August 2016

23.Modes Of Worship

Modes Of Worship

Dear all, there are more Tara sadhanas which are primarily variants of the already outlined ones. The mantrantara with moolamantra variations can also be seen. I am leaving these sadhanas to the readers to find out themselves as per individual interests. :)

Before I move into the next deity sadhana, a brief comment on the difference between the worship by a man and a woman. Most of the ritualistic texts which survived the test of times don’t have clear demarcation on this aspect.

The beginning of understanding this difference is routed in the concept of man as a representation of purusha and the woman as a representation of shakthi, both respectable in its own ways. we should also understand that both the man and the woman have the innate ability to achieve the complete merger with the omnipotent omnipresent brahman.

But the sankalpa is different. Man should realize and worship himself as the utmost purusha with penance and rituals which will eventually understand the duality as a limitation and merge with the cosmic energy. This is his route to attain the brahman.

There are plenty of rituals and mantras like gayatri which is been designed to worship the cosmic energy. This is one reason why gayatri is been used especially by men for worship.

But women who are the embodiment of shakthi understands and realizes it with rituals and penance and transcend the duality as a limitation to merge with the supreme consciousness. This is her route to attain the omnipresent omnipotent brahman.

women do not need need gayatri as her essential self is shakthi and she has to realize that only. But she has to understand the tatwas and purusha aspects for completion
No human beings are exceptions to this , but rishis, ethereal beings like kinnaras , gandarvas, luminous ones like devas, the immortals and manifestations of the trinity (brahma, vishnu , maheswara) are exceptions to these rules as they know the entire aspects of shakthi and purusha in totality.

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